8 Free Developer Tutorials That Will Actually Give You A Job Part 4/4
Be so good they can’t ignore you.
“There’s no such thing as spoon and fork, it should be spork.”
This is the last part of this series:
8 Free Developer Tutorials That Will Actually Give You A Job Part 1/3
8 Free Developer Tutorials That Will Actually Give You A Job Part 2/3
8 Best Developer Tutorials That Will Actually Give You A Job Part 3/4
As you progress, whether you already have a job or still looking for one, bookmark or save this free YouTube tutorial list.
It's hard to know everything at once, our brain is only capable of as many as it can, a senior developer once told me, the trick is to learn things as you go, however you can also learn on the side some important concepts that are part of the entire software development.
Like Version Control, a bit of DevOps, especially the basics, and some network securities, etc.
There’s no such thing as spoon and fork, there’s only Spork. Last 2019, was the start of my new journey as a developer, I had given the opportunity to be part of our company’s biggest project; the project is being developed by elite…