The Journey To Senior Developer

It’s possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.

Ann Adaya
For Self-Taught Developers


Photo by Kirill Balobanov on Unsplash

“Your younger self had a dream. Don’t let that little one down.”

It’s been 7 years since I jumped into this programming world, I was turning 26 at that time when I decided to jump into this crazy world, honestly, it was near impossible, “Self-taught Developer” was beyond realistic.

Even today I keep hearing other people complaining about how much they need monetarily to be able to fund their journey, I strongly disagree.

I haven’t spent so much when I started, I took most tutorials from free resources, all I had at that time was “time”, so I need to be resourceful as much as possible, I also bought a secondhand laptop from a friend, and it was payable for 6 months.

I couldn’t afford to resign from my non-tech job either, I have bills to pay, and I can’t ask my parents, I have nothing other than the strong urge to change my life.

And the Developer career was my ticket into the life I wanted to achieve.

You know when you want something, just get things done, make it happen, and stop talking.

Start strong



Ann Adaya
For Self-Taught Developers

Software Developer, Founder/Owner: For Self-Taught Developers + Developer's Cheatsheet: