The Simple Pleasure of a Bagel and Cream Cheese

One of my favorites.

Ryan Redmond
For the Love of Food


Photo by Ryan DaRin on Unsplash

There was a time when I could eat anything I want and not gain weight.

It was in my childhood.

I could remember my parents and other adults saying things like, “Enjoy the metabolism while it lasts.”

I didn’t know what metabolism was, but it seemed to equate to the fact that I could eat and eat and eat and nothing would happen to me.

That didn’t last long.

I became a chubby kid, then a chubby teenager.

Then, I lost a bunch of weight.

And in my 20s, I was always aware of my weight, which is why I was so thin.

It wasn’t because I had high metabolism. It was because I made sure to keep thin, a mixture of diet, exercise, and depriving myself of the things I craved.

I really wish I did have more time in which I could eat all I want and not worry about the number on the scale.

I wish I had it now.

And I wish I had that ability for one main reason: bagels.

Here’s my perfect morning.

