Why Only on Christmas?

I need help to shine

Jenny Lane
For the Love of Narration


Original photo by H. Lane (moms) digitally mixed by Author Jenny Lane, have added light. This tree, the light tree is up all year round. The lights swirl in all different colors.

Thing is, I get melancholy at Christmas time, every year. Such joy, such peace begins to emerge, hope. Humans are filled with love. People open doors, open hearts, they really are just a bit more kind.

Until it gets closer to Christmas and I don’t even want to be on the road cause everybody is raging.


Focused on anything but inner peace.

Uncaring. Unpeaceful. Unloving.

Then Christmas is over and humans are back to their bullshit.

My melancholy comes from the same question I’ve had for nearly 40 years.

Why only on Christmas?

Why must we reserve, save being merry, being peace, being joyful, being light, being love for the darkest of the seasons?

Why does it take a story of a man dying on a cross for our sins, being "born" for us to finally care for one another?

To light our lights.

To light the light of others.

To revere the time we have with people who love us.

To give gifts from the heart.

Why can't we see the true miracle and blessing this life is?



Jenny Lane
For the Love of Narration

An overthinking human who writes to make room in her mind and peace in our hearts. Art and words are my love letters to the world.