My Poetry Chapbook

Because Christina Ward 💗 set a challenge and I couldn’t resist

Lisa Bolin
For The Love


Photo by Riss Design on Unsplash

I love a good challenge.

Well, I think this was an event, but it was creative and artsy and crafty so what’s not to love?

Sometimes the universe just swirls things in front of you. I had just read an article on Chapbooks for poetry when the POM group Chapbook event popped up. Of course, I was in!

Christina wrote an article about her experiences of making her own chapbook when she was studying. It reminded me of a little book I made for a friend when I was in high school.

It was full of recipes for things like face masks and scrubs, homemade shampoo and hair treatments. I decorated it all by hand, bordered the pages with little vines, with leaves and flowers. I loved it!

I really hope she still has it. And the chapbook idea kind of reminds me of that.



Lisa Bolin
For The Love

Writer | Poet | Educator | Book-lover | Multilingual | Travel Enthusiast | Garden of Neuro Institute sister | A curious soul | A little fearless