3 Things That Destroy Your Writing

Avoid These Common Mistakes

Elise L. Blake
Becoming An Author


Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered how someone could write wrong when there’s no wrong way to write?

It’s more common than you think and I know you’ve experienced it for yourself — those books that you were looking forward to reading because they’re all anyone can talk about in your reading groups —

But then you finally get your hands on them and halfway through you’re trying to figure out just how anyone could have read and enjoyed it when all you want to do is bring it back to the store and get your money back — adding it to the dreadful DNF list on your Goodreads.

Unfortunately, certain things can destroy your writing and any chance of your reader leaving you that gold star review.

Poor Pacing

One of the most critical aspects of writing is the pacing of your story. If the pacing is off events can seem to drag on for your reader or feel as if they’ve been rushed right through the story.

There have been a few stories I’ve read where I’ve been tempted to just start skipping pages and sat wondering when they were just going to get on with the task that they were supposed to be doing — I mean there’s a dragon to slay why are they spending three days wandering around the marketplace buying bread…



Elise L. Blake
Becoming An Author

Full-time writing coach and novelist. Elise is a recent college graduate where she earned her BA in Creative Writing.