The Mindset You Need To Conquer Writing In 2024

Change Your Outlook to Accomplish Your Goals

Elise L. Blake
Becoming An Author


Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

As we come to the end of the third month of the year, it’s a good time for us to start to reflect on those pesky New Year's resolutions that most of us made at the beginning of the year.

How many have you achieved and how many have you abandoned? How many have you started to tell yourself that you will try to accomplish them next year?

Was writing your novel one of them?

Instead of abandoning your goals for writing this year since there is still plenty of time to accomplish them let’s see if we can change your mindset about your goals so that this is the year that you turn them from just goals into a reality.

Positive Thinking

I’m not going to tell you that just sitting there and thinking happy and positive thoughts is going to be the way to accomplish your writing goals — but I am going to tell you that it’s better than the alternative of sitting there and thinking that you will never accomplish them.

If in your head you’re telling yourself that you are never going to write your book, that no one is going to read your book, and no one will like your book — you’re killing all the motivation and chance of success that you have…



Elise L. Blake
Becoming An Author

Full-time writing coach and novelist. Elise is a recent college graduate where she earned her BA in Creative Writing.