The Secret To Becoming A Writer IS Easier Than You Think

You Just Need To Do This One Thing

Elise L. Blake
Becoming An Author


Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

I’ve always wanted to learn how to run a marathon.

Sure I know the steps, one foot in front of the other until I reach the finish line, but just like with writing where in its simplicity we are putting one word in front of the other until we reach the end of the story, there’s a bit more to it than this.

Becoming a writer is a dream that many share. They want to see their words in print, maybe even their name in lights, or at least their book sitting on the bedside table of readers all over the world.

And while the dream of writing a novel is just that for many, making this dream a reality isn’t as hard as many have made it out to be.

But there’s a catch — just like my dream of running a marathon — I’m not going to be able to just strap into a pair of sneakers no matter how nice they are and take off running for miles on end and wind up being the first one across the finish line with the big metal around my neck.

First — I’m going to have to practice.

The Secret To Making Writing Easier

Just like how I’m going to have to get off my butt and go for runs a few times a week if I plan on being…



Elise L. Blake
Becoming An Author

Full-time writing coach and novelist. Elise is a recent college graduate where she earned her BA in Creative Writing.