A narrative/rhetorical device for startup comedy

(The below won’t make (much) sense if you haven’t read the previous posts.)

From the previous post:

KEY lessons from the history of the novel:

A genre’s exemplary works (i.e., masterpieces) are often produced very soon after the genre takes shape [1].

A key to producing an exemplary work is originating narrative/rhetorical devices that become conventions of that genre [2].

OfF will routinely feature fictional characters based (partly) on people who I think can help make OfF the most profitable SC of its kind. Put differently, OfF will routinely dramatize business cases for recruiting particular people.

Ideally, OfF’s readers will be motivated to equity-crowdfund OSG’s recruitment of (some of) the people.

The opening chapter of OfF will feature characters based partly on Cindy Crawford and her daughter.

You heard it here first. :-)

More about the above ASAP.

