For Your Face

Emad El-Haraty
For Your Information
2 min readOct 3, 2018

Some Quick Tattoo Ideas

Hi folks, welcome to “For Your Face”, a weekly column dedicated to all things your face!

In this installment, we find ways to improve your face, with tats!

You know how it is, every morning your brush your teeth and, for no particular reason whatsoever, you gotta look at your face in the mirror while brushing. That’s the moment when you’ve most likely noticed you have failed to adorn your beautiful face. You keep brushing, but you can’t stare this fact down. (As an aside you should consider limiting your mirror time and other reflective surface time to no more than 1 hour per day (I say this of course, while reaching for my pocket mirror ☺))

(…protracted discussion about options, you lose the debate (a verbal face/off)…)

Okay, so we all agree, face tattoo. Anything else would be a farce.

Here are some ideas:

  • An arrow facing up ‘↑’, underneath it says ‘this side up'
  • ‘Hi’ right next to one of your eyebrows; when people ask you about it, tell them you wanted something highbrow
  • Tired of creepers telling you to simile more? A tattoo of the words ‘like’ or ‘as’ near the corner of your mouth is a great way to shut! them! down!
  • In typewriter font ‘who knows?’; an arrow pointing to your eye ‘i’; an arrow pointing to your nose ‘knows’ it reads: I knows
  • A copy of your resume, this is a direct counter to the purported job killing effect of face tattoos. As with all resumes, make sure you select a professional type-face, or otherwise people will think you are a not serious, possibly even being facetious
  • Your idea here!? Got an idea? If you had edit rights you could just add it here. You know where you do have edit rights? Your face!

