Where It Is Darkest

Toning Up the Fear Response

Lyam Thomas Christopher
Forbidden Realms


Your true power as a human being is being stolen. Not by the dragons of corruption out there but by the dragon of within. Right now, the survival-obsessed parts of your nervous system are using fear to keep you alive. And while that may sound worthwhile, it is not. A life spent under the dominion of the survival instinct is only a fraction of what it means to be truly alive.

In the process of protecting you, the more primitive parts of your brain suppress the activity of the more advanced parts, shutting down the full potential of your nervous system. This causes you to suffer. On some level, you secretly know that you have a greater capacity for seeing, feeling, and being than your brain currently allows — and that nagging knowledge will give you no peace.

In the last article, I gave you several tricks for increasing personal magnetism and your overall sense of power. In this article, I’m introducing you to three more — only this time, it’s more challenging. These aren’t the superficial, “fake it till you make it” kind of strategies. These methods are deep and scary. They get you to deliberately confront fear. I call them the deep transformers because they uproot and eliminate suffering at its base. You confront the dragon of within, tame it, and restore the abilities that it has been shutting down. You hack…



Lyam Thomas Christopher
Forbidden Realms

Biohacking. Enlightenment practices. Lucid dreaming. Ceremonial magic. To book a one-hour consultation, send a message.