How to participate in Space Staking

Jill Space
Published in
5 min readMay 13, 2022

Before you participate in Staking, you need to have FBS tokens.

You can own FBS tokens in two ways:

Step 1: Access to forbitswap

  1. Go to the forbitswap at:

2. Click the “Launch App” button in the top right corner or access

3. Choose the “Space Staking” section to participate in Staking.

Step 2: Connect wallet

You have to ensure that your wallet is connected to the forbitswap. This could be done by clicking the “Connect Wallet ” button. Please refer to and accept forbitswap Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before connecting the wallet. forbitswap now supports some wallets as on the video, and we also have plans to invest in more wallets in the future. At the present, you can stake FBS via BNB Chain, forbitswap will update other networks such as Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, and Near so you can change your suitable network. Now click on “Approve” FBS to start to join in Space Staking.

Step 3: Choose the Period and Number of portions

Space Staking provides a variety of staking with diverse timescales to meet the demands of each user; in particular, we offer the following five Staking Periods:

You can choose the Periods you want. The longer the lock-up time, the more profit you will receive. However, this is not suitable for someone who tends to sell or swap tokens frequently.

Please note that min Staking limit is 100 FBS and the max Stalking limit per user is 300,000 FBS.

If you press the “Maximum” button, forbitswap will automatically get the maximum number of FBS at the maximum level, or the maximum number of FBS in your wallet if it contains fewer than 300.000 FBS.

Remember to read and agree to Space Staking's Policy to learn about our interest payment policy and the time it takes to get interest.

After that, forbitswap will display your Staking information. From there, you can refer to the maturity time and the profit earned after Staking.

Click on Accept renewal proposal notification, you will receive the reminder when your period ends, it helps you create a new stake with the initial options you selected.

Step 4: Approve & Preview

Next step, you need to approve your wallet for the first time and after which you will not need to agree with it again. Also, you need to approve for accepting the smart contract to be active.

After that, select “Preview” to check your Staking settings. You can see the start and end time of Staking, Total invested capital, Period, Reward, and Total reward.

Clicking on “Confirm”, your transaction is submitted.

Step 5: Claim and Withdraw

Under “Locked”, you can see your Staking history.

30 days Period and other Periods will have their way to “Claim” and “Withdraw”.

With 30 days Period:

  • “Claim” will appear when your staking period expires, and you will receive your profit.
  • You only received the capital when clicking on “Withdraw” if 30 days Period is not completed.
  • And when 30 days Period is completed, click on “Withdraw” and you all receive your capital and profit.

With other Periods:

  • You will receive your profit every next 10 days from the 30th day when you choose “Claim”.
  • “Withdraw” less than the first 30 days finished, you will only get your capital has Staking.
  • If the first 30 days are finished, you receive the capital and 10 days of profit but will lose 20 days of profit.
  • When your Staking period is completed, you will receive all your capital and profit.

*Please remember that after you have staked on forbitswap, you need to pay 0.15% of the total FBS received for each “Claim” or “Withdraw”.

*More details, you can read clearly in Space Staking's Policy.

After selecting “Claim” or “Withdraw”. You will approve the wallet to get your reward.

If you had chosen “Accept renewal proposal notification”, the system would remind you of the new Staking program.

The Locked section will show your successful Staking.

