About Me

Forecasting using data
1 min readJul 8, 2017

Pleased to meet you. My name is Troy Magennis and I’m a consultant and trainer in the software development world. In short form, I teach statistics and probability to executives and teams. Not the boring stuff you learnt in school, I teach practical ways to apply statistics and probability to answer hard questions in our software development and I.T. world.

I need your feedback (getting in contact)

email me: troy.magennis@focusedobjective.com or via Twitter: @t_magennis

Need my help?

I offer one or two day training courses and hands-on workshops about forecasting, and help organizations facilitate and plan small, medium and large initiatives. Prior clients include, Walmart, Microsoft, Skype, US Treasury, Tableau Software, Leankit and Siemens Healthcare. Most seem happy when I leave. Just email me for a quick call to see if I think I can help: troy.magennis@focusedobjective.com. I live in Seattle, USA but travel and work remotely with many clients around the world.

My company website for more information: Focused Objective

