Foreing Feelings Podcast

Episode 7: I Stopped

Show Notes for People Who Don’t Belong

Linnea George


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Maria, I had this beautiful thought I want to share with you:

you know I have been making a tremendous amount of change the last year. One of them is transitioning from working in the theatre to working in IT. I have had this job as Scrum Master for 3 months now and I am suffering, mentally. All my work now is on Zoom. I miss having contact with people. I miss the physical, emotional and energetic exchange of people in the same room. The change is extreme.

People who are mentoring me are saying,

Oh Linnea, it will get better. I remember feeling that way during COVID. When we went from having meetings in person to having meetings online. There was a time when I felt isolated and depressed, but I am used to it now

I have been told,

You will get used to it.

So, I had this thought (while I was vacuuming just now): one of the things that you have said a lot on my podcast is:

I do not want to change. I do not want to change the way I talk. I do not want to change my accent. I do not want to change the words I use. What is important is who I am.

I am going to take this stance as I go into this IT world. I do not want to change who I am. I do not want to get used to meeting people online. I WANT that to bother me. I want to feel sad about it. I want to understand it and do everything I can to not normalize it. Developers are depressed. I think in part because we no longer work with each other in real life.

I can have an opinion. Or better said: I can have a feeling, and someone can tell me,

oh Linnea, that feeling will eventually go away.

And I can respond.

I do not want it to go away. I need to feel that feeling because it is my compass, it is a direction, it is telling me who I am and what my values are

and that is something I have learned from listing to you on my podcast.

Thank you, Maria.

I stopped by Linnea George
I Stopped by Linnea George
I Stopped by Linnea George



Linnea George

Actress. Writer. Single Mom. Foreigner. US American living in Germany. I meditate every morning that helps.