Foreign Feelings Episode 2: What If

Show notes for people who don’t belong

Linnea George


Episode 2 features Dayana Markhabayeva whose mother tongue is Russian and Mulluemebet Berhanu Dilnesaw whose mother tongue is Amharic.

My favorite line from this episode:

‘Oh my god true yes….jesus!’

What If by Linnea George

Is god a man? Like…with a penis? What do we do with the damn picture of god that we have in our heads that was force-fed to us as a child? What if we want a new image? What if we try to picture god as a woman? In this episode Dayana, Mullu and I grapple with these questions.

No one has a good answer but it is an interesting conversation.

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Here is Mullu’s translation:

Amharic translation by Mulluemebet Berhanu Dilnesaw

and here is Dayana’s translation:

Russian Translation by Dayana Markhabayeva

I recorded this episode about a year ago and I am astonished at how much I have changed. (Thank you, dear Linnea for being open, ready, and willing to change!) It is no longer a shock to me that I do not need saving. In fact, I believe that my body is a perfectly functioning mechanism worthy of my time and attention. I am perfectly and wonderfully made. No one needs to save me. I am the salvation I am looking for. ❤

It is hard to release from our bones and body the long-lasting brainwashing of capitalism, patriarchy and white supremacy. I notice this in myself how I drive my self to exhaustion and still ignore my body’s need for rest. I notice this in friends who lightly makes fun of large people or mock coworkers who stay home from work when they are sick. I am a witness to how these comments turn me off. I wonder if I would be so sensitive to moments like this 1 or 2 years ago? I am changing. I like the change that I feel inside me and I want to keep exploring this path.

‘‘…contrast (conflict) is how new desire is born. Everyone is in a state of contrast (or conflict) which gives rise to their own individual point of desire.’’ — Julie Jesneck, I am YES

Contrast tells me where we want to go next. I share this to say that when someone still agrees with patriarchy, capitalism or white sepremecy, I do not shy away from the conflict I feel inside of me but use it to find my next point of desire: I want to live differently. The the old systems of patriarchy, capitalism and white supremacy keep the poor and the marginalized sick, angry and invisible. These old systems rape the earth, rape women and kill children. Yes. It is that black and white.


Foreign Feelings: Our differences make us The Same.

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Linnea George

Actress. Writer. Single Mom. Foreigner. US American living in Germany. I meditate every morning that helps.