Exploring Future Scenarios in Climate Finance: A Case Study using Foresight Lab

Pedro Rocha
Foresight Lab
Published in
4 min readJul 31, 2023

Following on our initial introduction post and Manifesto about why we created Foresight Lab to democratize futures studies, today we are starting a series of posts on how you can actually benefit from using an AI-powered foresight platform in your daily work.

When thinking about a topic to showcase how Foresight Lab can be useful, we thought about a topic that is definitely one of the most pressing issues of our time: Climate Crisis.

In an ever-changing world, we believe that foresight isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. We exist to help everyone look towards a better understanding of what lies ahead.

Climate Crisis is a huge problem with many different aspects, putting the world in dire need of innovative solutions to tackle it. We can say that one of the big challenges is exactly about connecting people today with their future selves (and empathize with others), so that they act now.

With that in mind, we believe that is a perfect scenario to showcase generative AI, as it has the potential to extrapolate future scenarios and build comprehensive reports on a range of subjects, both positive and negative. To pick one topic as a proof of concept, we’ve chosen to explore the subject of: Climate Finance in African agriculture.

In this exploration, we aim to showcase how generative AI can be harnessed to provide actionable insights and strategies, delving into a sector that is both significantly impacted by climate change and crucial for the livelihoods of millions of people.

Case Study: Climate Finance issues related to African Agriculture

Our approach to extrapolating future scenarios involves a four-step workflow:

  1. Causal Layered Analysis (CLA)(see the post here)
    Helps us understand the problem at different levels, from the visible symptoms to the underlying systemic causes, worldviews, and myths.
  2. Environmental Scanning
    Allows us to identify potential changes and trends in the external environment that might impact us.
  3. Four Futures Scenarios
    Explores potential future outcomes by mapping two critical uncertainties, resulting in four distinct scenarios.
  4. Backcasting
    Enables us to work backward from a desired future to the present, identifying strategic actions needed to achieve that future

You can also try the methodologies for yourself! Visit Foresight Lab at https://foresightlab.eu/p/futures-studies

This intersection of technology, finance, and sustainability presents a unique opportunity to reimagine the future of agriculture in Africa and beyond.

Over the course of this week, the next articles will detail our methodology and findings, illustrating the transformative potential of generative AI in addressing complex global challenges.

Envisioning Diverse Futures with Generative AI

Our study underscores the transformative potential of generative AI in extrapolating future scenarios and informing climate finance strategies. By leveraging this technology, we can delve deeper into the complexities of challenges and opportunities facing African agriculture, and identify effective, sustainable solutions. The use of generative AI in our study has not only provided us with valuable insights but also demonstrated how this technology could revolutionize futures studies and trend reporting.

Generative AI, with its ability to analyze vast amounts of data and generate detailed, nuanced scenarios, can be a game changer for the industry. It can enable us to explore a multitude of possible futures, identify emerging trends and challenges, and develop strategic responses. This is particularly crucial in the context of climate change, a complex, multifaceted issue that requires innovative, forward-thinking solutions.

The creation of a futures report with a generative AI application has provided us with key takeaways. It has shown us that the technology can enhance our understanding of complex issues, facilitate strategic planning, and ultimately, guide our actions towards a more sustainable future. It has also highlighted the importance of integrating technology with traditional futures studies methods, such as CLA and backcasting, to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the future.

In our rapidly changing world, innovative technologies like generative AI have become crucial tools. They expand our foresight creativity, enabling us to envision multiple scenarios across a diverse range of subjects. From climate change to economic development, generative AI can help us anticipate challenges, identify opportunities, and strategize effective solutions.

We invite you to join us in harnessing the power of generative AI. By integrating technology with our imagination and creativity, we can explore a multitude of possible futures, making informed decisions today that will shape the world of tomorrow.

Let’s embrace the power of generative AI, and together, let’s shape the future.

Next steps…

Stay tuned for the next articles in these series.
> How to Apply the CLA Foresight Technique to Better Understand a Climate Finance Issue

Any thoughts, feedback, ideas? Get in touch on the comments and let's create a better future together!



Pedro Rocha
Foresight Lab

On digital experiences, business, commons and the future