Battle Report: Crypto Games Conference — Minsk, 2018

Chrono Games
Forest Knight
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2018

The Crypto Games Conference in Minsk is now over, let’s have a quick recap of the weekend.

The Event felt very multicultural. People from a lot of different countries packed the venue. The interest in Blockchain Gaming was phenomenal. From game developers to blockchain solutions companies, a variety of fields soaking up the crypto games hype. The blockchain related talks and poll discussions were very insightful. One of my favourite Discussion was about regulation in the crypto world. It was interesting to hear how each county deals with the crypto boom differently, so we must be flexible as adopters and create products that can fit each countries standards. You can find the recorded talks here.

The hightlight of the event was the showcase area. Here developers from all over the world presented their blockchain based projects. From games to marketplaces, a variety of crypto related projects were at the event. Forest Knight was also part of the GSC Showcase and visitors could play the game for the first time. The Feedback was great, from developers to gamers, a lot of visitors showed interest. The information exchange with fellow game developers there was inspiring and I made many valuable friends and connections. The feedback I got from the play testing will be extremely valuable and I have already started work on some major improvements to the game.

Forest Knight Showcase Area

The event ended with an award ceremony. There were 4 Categories: “Best Game on Waves Platform”, “Best Crypto Game Service”, “Best Crypto Gaming Project” and “GSC Choice”

The most interesting winner for me was the GSC Choice winner, Age of Chains. The game lore was creative and intriguing.

Award Ceremony

The main category was “Best Crypto Game” which Forest Knight received a nomination for, next to crypto game giants like Blockchain Cuties. This was a great indication that Forest Knight is already being noticed as a future player in the blockchain gaming space. Seeing the nomination announcement on the big screen was a small but a very inspiring milestone for me, it spurs me on to achieve great things.

Forest Knight Teaser

To sum things up, Crypto Games Conference was a great opportunity to meet new people from the industry and receive exposure for Forest Knight. I am looking forward to meet new and old friends in the next event in Kiev. Special Thanks goes to the CGC team for oraganizing such awesome event.



Chrono Games
Forest Knight

Indie Game Studio Based in Hamburg Focusing on Blockchain Gaming