Forest Knight — 2024 Roadmap

Charting the Future: Forest Knight’s 2024 Vision and Strategic Roadmap

Chrono Games
Forest Knight
10 min readJan 8, 2024


Greetings, Knights! As we embark on another exciting year, we’re thrilled to share with you the roadmap for Forest Knight in 2024. This year promises to be a remarkable one, with new adventures, features, and community-driven developments. Let’s dive into what’s in store for our cherished game
and the vision that guides us forward. Let`s jump right into it!

Adapting to the Pace of Web3: Our Approach to the Roadmap

In the ever-evolving landscape of web3, where the industry’s pace can be breathtakingly fast and unpredictably dynamic, we’ve realized that traditional timed roadmaps may not always serve the best interests of our game and community. The nature of web3 is such that it often requires flexibility and adaptability, qualities that are essential for staying at the forefront of innovation. Recognizing this, we at Forest Knight have decided to shift our focus away from rigid timelines, opting instead to concentrate on the development of impactful features that genuinely enhance the gaming experience. Last year was a testament to this approach; our roadmap was a living entity, adapting and evolving in response to the community’s feedback and the industry’s shifts. We introduced new features that weren’t originally planned and chose to postpone others to ensure their alignment with our community’s needs and the game’s long-term vision. This approach, rooted in our community-focused development mantra, allows us to remain agile and responsive, ensuring that Forest Knight continues to thrive in the dynamic world of web3 gaming.

2024 Game Updates: New Features and Expansions

This year at Forest Knight, we’re thrilled to announce a series of exciting new features and expansions that will significantly enhance and enrich your gaming experience. Our roadmap includes up to two major expansions, each designed to broaden the game’s universe and deepen your engagement with its rich lore and gameplay.

A highlight of this year’s updates is the introduction of a brand-new pet system. This innovative feature is not just an addition but a transformative element that adds a fresh twist to the core gameplay loop. By integrating pets, we’re enhancing the strategic depth and offering new ways for players to interact with the game and economy.

We’re also reimagining the concept of lands in the web3 space. Our vision is to create a more immersive and integrated experience, where lands are not just assets but pivotal elements of gameplay. This shift will emphasize User Generated Content, giving you, our players, more power to shape the game’s world.

In addition to these groundbreaking changes, we’re excited to reveal that there are at least five new heroes in the pipeline, ready to join the fray this year. Each hero brings unique abilities and lore, further expanding the diverse roster of characters you love.

Moreover, we’re planning three major seasons, each packed with content, challenges, and rewards. These seasons are designed to keep the game dynamic and engaging, ensuring there’s always something new to explore.

Finally, we’re focusing on making Forest Knight continuously bustling with activity through live events. Expect a rotational system that brings variety and excitement to different game modes, keeping the gameplay experience fresh and captivating. This year is all about keeping the world of Forest Knight lively and ever-evolving, guaranteeing a fun adventure for all our knights.

Blockchain and Web3 Features: Enhancing User Experience and Expanding Horizons

As we continue to innovate in the realm of Forest Knight, our focus is still to make the best out of both worlds, Gaming and Web3. This year, many of our key game elements, such as the exciting new pet system and the land release, are intricately woven with web3 features. These aspects are not just mere add-ons; they are integral to the game’s ecosystem, functioning through smart contracts and NFTs, thereby offering a seamless blend of gaming and blockchain technology.

Our primary aim is to move in tandem with the industry, especially as user experience (UX) in the web3 space improves. Our foremost initiative in this direction is the implementation of Account Abstraction, which will simplify interactions with blockchain components, making them more intuitive and accessible. Coupled with this is the development of a Studio-wide ID system, designed to streamline user identification across various platforms and services.

On the infrastructure front, we are actively exploring the expansion of our support to other blockchain ecosystems. While many games in the space have adopted a cross-chain approach, our strategy is tailored to prioritize the user experience above all. Our goal is to cater not just to seasoned web3 gamers but also to those from the web2 sphere. This inclusive approach means that we will carefully evaluate opportunities in the blockchain domain, ensuring that we do not overcomplicate our game mechanics or chase trends at the expense of player experience.

Our vision for Forest Knight is a long-term one. We’re not just building a game; we’re creating an ecosystem that stands the test of time, blending the best of web2 and web3 gaming experiences. We believe in a future where blockchain enhances gaming, not complicates it, and we’re committed to leading the charge in this exciting new era of game development.

Enhancing Existing Game Systems for Deeper Strategy and Engagement

In our continuous effort to elevate the gaming experience in Forest Knight, a significant focus for this year is the enhancement of our existing systems. We understand that the core of an engaging game lies not only in new features but also in refining what already exists. To this end, we are delving deeper into the strategic aspects of the game by reevaluating and improving the leveling system, diversifying the equipment options, and refining the hero level system. These enhancements are aimed at providing a more nuanced and rewarding experience, allowing players to explore more strategies and playstyles.

In addition to system improvements, we’re committed to enriching the content of our current game modes, particularly the Boss and Sanctum challenges. Our goal is to inject new life into these beloved aspects of the game, providing both new and veteran players with fresh challenges and rewards. This involves not only adding new content but also experimenting with innovative twists on existing systems. By doing so, we aim to create more dynamic and engaging experiences that keep players invested and excited about the evolving world of Forest Knight.

We recognize that veteran players, in particular, are looking for deeper, more challenging content that tests their skills and strategies. To cater to this demand, we’re working on developing content that leverages the game’s core mechanics in novel ways. This approach ensures that even the most seasoned players will find fresh excitement and challenges in the game, keeping the experience vibrant and engaging for all levels of players.

In summary, our commitment to improving existing game systems and content is about more than just polish; it’s about deepening the strategic depth and enhancing the overall enjoyment of Forest Knight. We’re dedicated to providing an experience that grows and improves continually, ensuring that every knight’s journey is as thrilling and rewarding as possible.

Forest Knight Hub Platform: Focused Improvements and Strategic Partnerships

As we progress into the new year, a key area of focus for us at Chrono Games is the enhancement of our web platform. Recognizing the importance of a robust and user-friendly platform, we are dedicated to making significant improvements based on the valuable feedback we received last year. Our approach involves a careful reevaluation of our priorities, balancing the development of in-house products with the potential for partnering with other innovative startups.

We’ve come to understand that trying to do everything on our own can lead to a diffusion of focus and resources. Hence, we’re adopting a more strategic approach, concentrating on our core strengths while exploring collaborations that can bring fresh perspectives and expertise. This decision is rooted in our commitment to delivering the best possible experience to our users, without compromising on the quality and innovation that define our games.

Expect more updates on this front as we delve deeper into our strategy. We’re excited about the possibilities that these improvements and partnerships will unlock, not just for our platform but for the overall experience we offer to our players. Stay tuned for more developments, as we continue to refine our platform to better serve our community and enhance the way you interact with our games.

Reflecting on Last Year: Commitment to Improvement

As we look back on the past year at Forest Knight, we acknowledge that there are areas where we fell short and see these as opportunities for growth and improvement. One such area is quality control. This year, we are placing a stronger emphasis on delivering more polished features right from the outset. We aim to ensure that every aspect of the game meets the high standards our community deserves. In addition to this, we are focusing on faster turnaround times for resolving any issues that arise, ensuring that your gaming experience is smooth and uninterrupted.

Engagement with our community is another critical area we are striving to enhance. We realize that last year, we weren’t as active and present in our interactions with you as we would have liked to be. This year, we’re committed to being more involved on a face-to-face basis, not just to share updates but to listen. Understanding your needs, desires, and feedback is vital for us. By forging stronger connections with our community, we hope to better understand what you truly want from Forest Knight and how we can deliver that experience.

Additionally, our efforts to expand into other communities last year didn’t yield the results we hoped for. This year, we’re adopting different strategies and approaches to reach new audiences and integrate them into our growing Forest Knight family. We believe that by exploring varied channels of community engagement and outreach, we can create a more inclusive and diverse gaming environment.

In summary, our reflections on the past year have provided valuable lessons that are guiding our actions moving forward. From improving quality control and issue response times to fostering deeper connections with our community and expanding our reach, we are dedicated to making Forest Knight not just a game, but a continually evolving experience shaped by its players. We’re excited to embark on this journey of improvement and growth with you.

Expanding the Utility of $KNIGHT: Beyond Just a Game Token

As we continue to develop and enhance the Forest Knight ecosystem, a key focus for us this year is to broaden the utility and integration of our native token, $KNIGHT. Our vision is to embed $KNIGHT deeply within the core features of Forest Knight, ensuring that it plays a pivotal role in the game’s economy and player experience. By doing so, we aim to provide our players with a more immersive and rewarding gaming experience, where $KNIGHT is not just a token but a fundamental part of the game’s fabric.

However, our ambitions for $KNIGHT extend beyond the confines of Forest Knight. We are exploring ways to expand its utility across a broader ecosystem of games and web3 experiences. In a rapidly evolving digital landscape where web3 and gaming are increasingly intertwined, we see a tremendous opportunity to position $KNIGHT as a cornerstone in this new era of gaming. Our goal is to challenge the traditional notions of in-game currencies and create a token that has value, utility, and relevance both within and outside our game.

This expansion means looking at $KNIGHT not just as a game token but as a key player in the wider web3 narrative. As gaming becomes a central focus in the web3 space, we are positioning ourselves to be at the forefront of this shift. By enhancing the utility of $KNIGHT within Forest Knight and beyond, we aim to create a token that is synonymous with innovation, versatility, and the future of gaming.

In summary, our commitment to expanding the utility of $KNIGHT is a testament to our belief in the potential of web3 and its role in reshaping the gaming landscape. We are excited to take on this challenge and look forward to seeing $KNIGHT grow as a central element of not just Forest Knight, but a broader ecosystem of digital experiences.

Chrono Games: A Journey from Indie Beginnings to a Visionary Studio

Chrono Games, the studio behind Forest Knight, started as a humble one-man show, embodying the spirit of indie game development. From these modest beginnings, our ambition has always been to transform Chrono Games from a small indie studio into a renowned Game Development and publishing house. Our focus is on creating captivating Strategy and RPG games, crafting experiences that interconnect in meaningful and engaging ways. This vision, seeded by our founder from the early days, has grown into a guiding principle for our studio.

We have learned that building a successful ecosystem, where different games and experiences share common threads, is not just a dream but a feasible reality. It requires dedication, creativity, and a deep understanding of what brings games to life. Despite being a small indie team with limited resources, we have managed to create a product that stands tall, not defined by its budget but by its quality and innovation. Our team is hardworking, lean, and fully committed, pouring their heart and soul into every aspect of our games.

However, the true driving force behind our studio’s growth and achievements is our incredible community. You, our players and supporters, keep us accountable, motivated, and inspired. Your enthusiasm, feedback, and ongoing engagement are what enable us to push boundaries and continue our journey of growth and innovation.

So, from all of us at Chrono Games, we extend a heartfelt thank you. It is your support that fuels our ambition, drives our creativity, and reminds us daily of why we embarked on this journey. Together, we are not just building games; we are crafting a universe of interconnected experiences, each enriched by the others. Here’s to the future, to the adventures that await, and to the continued journey of Chrono Games, hand in hand with our community.

About Forest Knight

Forest Knight is a tactical mobile RPG where you assemble teams of heroes, equip them with uniquely designed and powerful NFTs to defeat the Skeleton Master, and climb the leaderboards against other knights!

Sometimes knights do know best, and we understand that. We want to make every one of you count. Come and join our game! See what Forest Knight offers in Early Access!

If you haven’t already, you can join our Telegram group, Telegram Announcement Channel, and Discord community. Follow us on social media, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.



Chrono Games
Forest Knight

Indie Game Studio Based in Hamburg Focusing on Blockchain Gaming