Forest Knight — A Roadmap to Merging Blockchain and Gaming

Chrono Games
Forest Knight
Published in
6 min readAug 24, 2021

Chrono Games is very happy to announce a roadmap to Forest Knights’ development goals and what our plans are for the next year. After two years of development and early access, the much-needed hype from our community really propelled us in a particular direction with the game. Now, finally, we’ve come to lay out the details!

What all of this means for you, the player is a lot more end-game content, unique NFTs, trading and merging systems, guilds and guild wars, talents, etc. We’re looking to make the game more social, approachable, and most importantly, to create a truly decentralized ecosystem in Forest Knight.

Although we always have our players in mind, one of our personal goals is to create a game where blockchain technology can truly show itself to be an asset to adding a completely new dimension to the game.

Q3 2021 — NFT Marketplace

Main points:

  • Generation 1 NFTs
  • NFT Marketplace

One of the first features we’re going to be adding is an NFT marketplace. The NFT items, which are minted in the blockchain, will all be available to trade between players freely. This will also contribute to a larger, shared pool of items that players can get their hands on.

Q4 2021 — Adding To Our Established Mechanics

NFT Arena Play to Earn

Main points:

  • Arena Optimization
  • Seasonal Ranks
  • Seasonal Rewards
  • Gamrey’s Treasure

Before we go anywhere, we want to talk about the Arena. The arena is the first PvP feature we’ve added as part of the core game and we understand that for a lot of people that’s the only thing they truly want: to challenge other knights! We also understand that it needs some work. So first things first, we are going to address some of the issues the arena has while also working on adding new features. While adding new content is very important, improving existing and well-established ones is also a priority.

And while we’re on the topic of PvP, Forest Knight is looking to add seasonal ranks for all your competitive needs. Leaderboards with ranks that will show you how you as the knight fair off versus the rest of them — and it’s a long way to the top. With each new season, there will be new and unique rewards, and the biggest of gifts are reserved only for the greatest of players.

Gamrey’s Treasure will contain exclusive and rare items that are minted as NFTs. They will become available as part of a treasure chest (blind box) sale and only a small number of them will be minted. Gamrey’s treasure will be our contribution to the NFT scene and is also a great way for us to further fund the game while still giving our players more options to grow their collection.

Q1 2022 — Inter-playability and Merging

NFT Merging and Staking
  • Staking
  • NFT Merging

For our biggest of supportive players, we’re going to be creating a staking system that will reward you passively for holding valued NFTs. These will be priced in parallel to their demand and will be unique, meaning that if you want something (and depending on its rarity), there could very well be just ONE of it.

As part of the focus on adding as many collectibles and creating unique items, we are going to develop an NFT merging system that will allow our players to merge older NFT items and create new items. This way by removing the older ones from the item pool, we give scarcity to them. But the merged NFT will always end up being a more powerful version of its components, which allows the players to push end-game content even further and create more powerful and unique items.

Q2 2022 — Personalization and Guilds

NFT Guilds Forest Knight
  • Talents
  • Guilds
  • Land Sale

Knights and their talents! A tale as old as gaming time. With the added personalization, we want to give the game more layers and diversity to builds. This could allow our players to possibly even create a more strategic approach to the game, aiding them to push their lucky finds as much as possible. One powerful item drop might completely alter their talent choice until the next set of powerful items drops. The possibilities are endless.

We’re also finally ecstatic to announce guilds, which is part of our attempt to create a more sociable game, where like-minded knights can group. Players in powerful guilds will have added boosts and benefits during their game-play, so it’s best worth sticking with your group and holding on to them.

As part of our funding and game-play development plans, we are going to be holding an NFT Land Sale. These unique patches of land will all be allocated in-game and it is exactly there where our knights will be constructing their own cities. This being a great segway to a more in-depth explanation of…

Q3 2022 — Knights, Kingdoms, and Pets

Forest Knight NFT Land
  • City-building
  • Blockchain Pets

We want our knights to grow larger than life. And in their conquests, some will want to leave Chronville and build their own cities. These cities and their outposts will help them secure important resources and give powerful bonuses to them and their armies. Players will become rulers of their own lands and will have to guard their own walls for the sake of their people, glory, and power. And every powerful ruler must have a trusted companion. These companions will be minted on the game’s blockchain and the outcome will always be a completely unique pet. Players can hatch eggs, and from them grow a companion which will aid them in their missions, fetch resources and powerful items for them.

Q4 2022 — The Battles of Giants and Governance

NFT Governance DeFi
  • Guild Wars
  • Governance DAO

For the more competitive players, we’re happy to announce the development of Guild Wars. These clashes will test the wits of players in long battles — and the war to finally answer the question as to which the greatest guild is.

Blind boxes, land sales, pets. These are all features we give to our players to help us govern the game better. Our ultimate goal is to have developed a game where anyone can vote for the direction they feel the game should head in, and we want to make their vote count. This DAO, we feel, would be an incredibly healthy way for the community to help in extending the longevity of the game.

It would also make things much easier for us: the developers. We believe the community should have its own voice. We also believe that developing should be done with you in mind first and foremost. With you in mind, the player, and the governance system we want to develop this could very well be a good ending for the article and a great start on your journey in Forest Knight.

If you haven’t already, join our Telegram and Discord communities and you can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook to stay up to date with our progress.

If you haven’t tried our game yet, feel free to try our Early Access

See you on the battlefields!

Forest Knight Team



Chrono Games
Forest Knight

Indie Game Studio Based in Hamburg Focusing on Blockchain Gaming