Forest Knight — Gamrey Deep Expansions — Game Economy Design

Chrono Games
Forest Knight
Published in
7 min readFeb 10, 2022
Forest Knight — Game Economy Design — Gamrey Deep Expansion
The Forest Knight Expansion System — How to earn NFTs and what you need to know.

With the INO event done, Forest Knight is preparing to launch its first-ever expansion system called Gamrey Deep. The current expansion won’t be covered in depth in this blog. Instead, we’re providing a general overview of the expansion system and what the future has in store.

The Forest Knight Expansion System

Moving forward with the Gamrey Deep expansion, we are planning on releasing a new expansion every six months. The Forest Knight storyline is growing, and we’re creating a rich universe with each character having a life of their own. What’s important to us is to create places with historical importance, deep dark crevices and strongholds where evil grows its powers, and the most powerful and unique NFTs known to the realms.

What Can Knights Expect From Every Expansion?

Forest Knight — Expansion System — Arena Seasonal Ranking, New Heroes, Exclusive NFTs!
Arena Seasonal Ranking, New Heroes, Exclusive NFTs!

With the release of a new expansion, you can expect plenty to happen in the Forest Knight universe:

  1. Each expansion is thematic — Gamrey Deep is a sea-themed expansion, and it’s the first of its kind for Forest Knight. Every new expansion will be a specific theme tailored to the storyline.
  2. Expansions have their own exclusive NFTs — We want knights to trade the NFTs they own freely, while also rewarding the earliest adopters with exclusive NFTs. This means that we will discontinue the previous NFT drop table and release an entirely new set of NFTs for the upcoming expansion.
  3. Each expansion will have new heroes — With the storyline growing, expect new heroes to show up in Chronville. Willing, brave heroes that want to fight against the Skeleton Master.
  4. Four Arena seasons per expansion — Who doesn’t want to duke it out with other players all while earning NFTs? We’re going to host some of the most important Forest Knight events there. With seasonal ranking coming in hot, we want to let our knights know the arena is one of the focal points of the game and you can expect many future events.

Recapping shortly: Thematic expansions with exclusive NFTs, heroes, and four Arena seasons.

Getting NFTs

Acquiring Exclusive Gamrey Deep NFTs

There are many ways players will earn exclusive Forest Knight NFTs. From purchasing treasure chests to earning items in-game, we’re looking to give our knights as many fun options as we can, all while rewarding them.

So how can you gain NFTs?

Blind box Sale

Each expansion will contain a seasonal blind-box sale which will contain a set of unique NFTs completely different from the expansion. The sale will begin before the launch of the expansion, lasting a short period before we patch the major update. We’ll be dividing the INO sale revenue accordingly:

  • 80% percent of the blind box sales will go to buying back $KNIGHT tokens
  • 10% will go to marketing
  • 10% will go to developing the expansion and the game.


Players who miss an expansion can still purchase items from other players in the OpenSea marketplace. This will be available at all times and is not time-gated like the blind box sales are. Free trade is an integral part of the game and we want our knights to take full advantage of it.

Adventure Mode

For the casual players who love strolling up and down the adventure mode maps and beating down skeletons and wizards, we’re going to be offering NFT rewards from the Minibosses. These are the characters you fight in the last map of each region. These NFTs will be exclusive to adventure mode, just like with any other method of earning them. There’s a remake of the adventure map coming soon, so stay tuned for that announcement!

Boss Tokens

We love the weekly boss and we know knights love it as well! This repeating event where we beat down the big, bad baddy for tokens will be one of the game modes where players can expect to earn tokens they can use to buy NFTs.

Deal more damage, earn more tokens, buy more NFTs!

Arena Chests

The arena is one of the most integral features of the game, and naturally, we’re going to be including NFT rewards in the chests that drop from winning matches. This is where we will allocate a lot of the NFTs, so you can expect hefty rewards from participating in the arena and fighting other players!

Seasonal Arena Ranking Rewards

With the new seasonal rankings patch drawing near, we’re very excited to see how players will react to it. As part of this update, we’re going to be adding seasonal rewards where knights can have more incentive to climb the ladders.

The higher the rank, the bigger the pie!


As part of our metaverse narrative, we’re going to be hosting Play-to-Mint events that aim to reward our players the most. These can be arena events, holiday events, various game modes, etc. Stay tuned in the upcoming weeks to find out more!

NFT Halving and Merging

The Forest Knight NFT Merging Process

With the release of each expansion, we’re going to be releasing a fixed amount of NFTs which we’ll announce at the beginning of every season. The drop rate of these items will be initially high and will gradually decline according to the supply. Our halving formula will take care of this process automatically, while we only do minimal adjustments to even things out. This applies to the boss token NFT pricing, which should increase as the demand for them goes higher.

This is one way that we plan to supply our players with exclusive NFTs. The other is through our Merging feature.

Deflationary Item Ecosystem

The merging feature is one of the unique features that Forest Knight offers. We want our players to have a reason they’re hunting down one specific NFT. The way merging works is that you need to burn 4 NFTs, which will then produce a new NFT of a higher level.

We hope that merging brings in new ideas for players to think about. such as creating unique weapons that are tailored to your team formation or just simply creating the strongest weapon possible.

The merging process will burn roughly 60–75% of the NFTs, while we return the rest of them to the drop pool in-game. This will contribute to the scarcity of the items and we can’t wait to see what kind of unique items our knights come up with. We’ll be revealing the mechanism and the perks soon!

We want players to create entirely new and unique NFTs. This is possible with the merging system, meaning that not only do the equipment act as items but they also act as a resource where people can use them as a means to an end. We’ve done this to also increase scarcity for each new expansion. Whole new item combinations will become available and players can slowly perfect the merging system and learn what item combinations will prove more favorable.

What Else Can Knights Expect From This Expansion

With the addition of the new expansions, thematic NFTs, arena rankings, and so much more, we saw it fit to include several new quality-of-life features and we’re very excited for everyone to see them.

So what are the new features exactly?

More campaign maps!

There will be new adventures added to the map. Fight new minibosses and earn new rewards! New challenges await at the top.

Achievement system!

Everyone loves a good achievement system, and we want our players to have a goal in mind when they wake up and decide to use their daily food cap, or when they fight that player in the arena. The achievement system will help us achieve (pun intended) just that.

Daily and Weekly Missions

Although we already have a daily mission system in place, we’re revamping the feature, adding more depth to it. These repeatable missions will contain hefty rewards and you should take care to follow through with them.

Wallet Withdrawal

Some knights have been asking us about how to deposit their NFTs to a different wallet. We’re going to be adding support for multiple wallets, so stay tuned for the upcoming announcements!

The NFTs are your items, and we want you to have full control over them.

VIP System

The VIP system is one of the most exciting features we’re adding to the game. We want to make this system dynamic, and not something you just power through with unrelated game modes, so we intertwined it with a lot of the features in the game. For example, the VIP points from completing achievements, owning NFTs, and other various ways.

Stay tuned, we’ll be announcing more about the system later.

About Forest Knight

Forest Knight is a turn-based strategy game where you assemble teams of heroes, equip them with uniquely designed and powerful NFTs to defeat the Skeleton Master, duel against other players in the arena, and fight bosses all while climbing the leaderboards!

Come and join our game, see what Forest Knight has to offer in Early Access!

If you don’t own an Android phone, you can still play Forest Knight on PC using this tutorial!

Got any questions?

You can join our Discord community for any questions you might have related to the game, announcements, or events, and this INO!

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We also do daily updates on the Telegram Announcement Channel, our Telegram group, and the Discord community.

See you on the battlefield!

Forest Knight team.



Chrono Games
Forest Knight

Indie Game Studio Based in Hamburg Focusing on Blockchain Gaming