Forest Knight Update [June]: New Hero & Fresh Level Design

Chrono Games
Forest Knight
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2020

First of all, we want to thank you all for supporting us to this day.

We are blessed to have such a supportive and enthusiastic community. The journey that we knights have been through is unbelievable. There were and still are crazy times in this word, which makes us appreciate each and every one of you all the more for the support.

Let’s jump into the blog, starting with an important message.


We have always supported all those who stand against racism and inequality.

There is only so much that a small startup like Chrono Games can do to help, but regardless, it’s important for us to show our support in ways that we can. For Forest Knight, that means by being more inclusive in our game and lore in the future.

A small change yet with a strong message behind it

New Level Design

We also want to thank everyone who gave us feedback from our last event — it was awesome!

One particular aspect of it that everybody seemed to really enjoy was our new addition to the game: the Obstacle System.

With that said, we are proud to announce a complete overhaul of the Map levels with 44 unique levels design for everyone to explore.

As you travel through different maps, you will be encountering these levels each with their own unique design and with their own challenges.

We also added 2 new types of Obstacles to the arsenal, with more in the plans for future updates.


Traps are activated once in the game, damaging the hero sitting on that field at the end of a turn. They are meant to let the player rethink their routes, becoming bait for an enemy in that field.


Barricades are Obstacles with only 1 health. They allow the player to hide behind or to quickly clear-out for another attack route. These Obstacles are indicated with a yellow health bar.

New Hero

Chronville is happy to see a new hero joining the brave knights, the fairy hero Arcanist.

Arcanist equipped with a brand new weapon class: Tome

^Make this image much smaller in the blog. It’s pretty big on the page! I also think placing her image makes more sense before the next paragraph.

She is a master of arcane magic and brings a completely new skill to the team called, Arcane Shield.

The Arcane Shield allows your team to become invulnerable for the next attack, no matter who is attacking! This skill will be handy to protect weaker units or to counter an enemy’s special attack. We are happy to see the list of heroes growing, and will continue to introduce more in the future.

Thank you so much for your support and patience throughout our development journey.

Let us know what you think about the update on social using the hashtag #ForestKnight.

See you in the Kingdom.

— Knight of Chronville

Join our community of Knights on Telegram! 🛡



Chrono Games
Forest Knight

Indie Game Studio Based in Hamburg Focusing on Blockchain Gaming