NFT Merging Announcement

Merge NFTs to create exclusive and unique combinations. Forest Knight is excited to announce the addition of this new upcoming feature that will be a game changer for all our knights.

Chrono Games
Forest Knight
3 min readSep 1, 2022


With the announcement of Season 1, we also introduced the NFT marketplace. The addition of the Asmorian Crafting System changed everything since now our players could work towards farming NFTs rather than relying heavily on RNG to receive theirs. Merging will give our NFTs so much more utility. So let’s jump into the details.

Merging NFTs — The Process

Firstly, the NFT merging process will be available in the following weeks on our website and later in-game. So what do you need to merge and create your very own NFT?

  • A base NFT
  • Two NFTs of the same or higher rarity than the base. These burn in the merging process.
  • $KNIGHT tokens.

Receiving the skill you want is based on the NFTs you choose to use in the process. So when merging your NFT, the odds are that you might get the skill from your base NFT, one of the two NFTs you burned, or a completely random skill that has nothing to do with any of the selected ones. Of course, when you choose specific NFTs, the odds are increased towards getting that one skill you’re looking for, but they’re never 100% guaranteed.

This whole process keeps things interesting! You might end up with the skill you initially wanted, or you can receive something outlandish and beyond your expectations — setting off a combination that turns out even more powerful than you ever expected!

Determining Skill Power

After inserting your NFTs, a rolling process happens before you receive your final merge determining your skill power. Each skill has a power level responsible for how powerful that skill is. Skill powers range from 1 to 10. Let’s say you roll the “Lifesteal” trait. Right before you receive the NFT, the game rolls for a skill power and gives you back a level for that skill.

Merged items also tend to keep their skill power at a much higher chance. Assume you burned NFTs with a skill power of level 3. The odds of the merged item rolling a skill power of 3 are very high. There’s always the possibility of rolling something much, much higher.

NFT Stats

When merging items, there are flat increases for the weapons and accessories.

  • For weapons (with some exceptions), it is always more attack, and health or defense.
  • For accessories, it is health, defense, or both.

For attack, the rates are as follows:

  • Uncommon +50
  • Rare +75
  • Epic +100
  • Legendary +125
  • Mystic +150

Whatever the case with skill power is, your NFTs will get better stats regardless.

Skill Adjustment for Polygon NFTs

We’re assigning skill powers for the Polygon NFTs (excluding some). The base skill power levels are as follows:

  • Uncommon — Level 1
  • Rare — Level 2
  • Epic — Level 3
  • Legendary — Level 4
  • Mystic — Level 5

A Last Note on Merging

We’re very excited to deliver this feature right after the NFT marketplace. Many exciting items are waiting to be crafted, and we hope our knights find niche builds for their favorite heroes.

Thank you for being so patient with us. We hope you enjoy merging as much as we enjoyed the development process. The feature will open new doors for everyone, and we can’t wait to see what our knights create!

About Forest Knight

Forest Knight is a tactical RPG game where you assemble teams of heroes, equip them with uniquely designed and powerful NFTs to defeat the Skeleton Master, and climb the leaderboards against other knights!

Sometimes knights do know best, and we understand that. We want to make every one of you count. Come and join our game! See what Forest Knight offers in Early Access!

If you haven’t already, you can join our Telegram group, Telegram Announcement Channel, and Discord community. Follow us on social media, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

See you on the battlefield!

Forest Knight Team.



Chrono Games
Forest Knight

Indie Game Studio Based in Hamburg Focusing on Blockchain Gaming