Sir Mike arrived in Chronville : Forest Knight and the First Multiverse Items

A first look at how Forest Knight will be integrating the world’s first multiverse items.

Chrono Games
Forest Knight
3 min readSep 6, 2018


It begins now. The first multiverse items have announced and our syndicate of devs is tinkering away at implementing them in the most awesome ways possible. In my last post, I talked about the problems and issues which can occur in the multiverse by lack of planning. With that in mind, let’s talk about the first three items and our thought process behind implementing them.

Sir Mike

Let’s start with Mike, an honoroble knight with a love of nature. Mike is very interesting, he is obviously not human, yet it has the characteristics of one.

Mike is what you would get if Groot had an uncle that fought crime in armor. But let’s face it, Groot and his relatives would never feel at home in “Chronville” — That’s why Mike will need a makeover for Forest Knight.

Multiverse items should feel special but must remain in the context within the games they call him. Forest Knight is aiming to create Mike as a character that feels exclusive, yet not out of place.

The multiverse items should feel like they belong, while still remaining ‘otherworldly’. It’s a hard balance to find, but a fun challenge nonetheless.

Epochrome Sword

The sword is the exact opposite of Mike.

In this case, this item is perfect for Forest Knight — It already feels like it is specially designed for the game.

This is an opportunity to let the players feel they are using the exact same item that they own, in Forest Knight. Unnecessary changes to the visual of the item will take away the multiverse effect.

So the Epochrome Sword will look as identical to the wallet image as possible, which means I am going to concentrate more on the functionality of the item. What should this sword do, that other swords cannot?

I’m going to make it obvious that this sword is special, so those that have it cherish it, and those that don’t covet it.


The ForgeHammer is a utility item.

Unlike Mike and the sword, this item is purely about the function.

My focus for the Forgehammer will be ensuring it benefits its owner significantly. The Forgehammer will be integrated into the core loop of the game and owners will have a special advantage against players without one.

In my opinion, these items are the hardest to implement because they need to be special without being overpowered. Finding the right balance is essential to ensuring Forest Knight never falls into the trap of providing a Pay2Win advantage to those who have more money than others.

The ForgeHammer is going to help the players upgrade their Knights more efficiently. I don’t want to leak anything just yet. More information will be very soon.

The multiverse is a new opportunity for developers to push the gaming experience to a new plateau and Forest knight is running with this idea in a way that puts players first.



Chrono Games
Forest Knight

Indie Game Studio Based in Hamburg Focusing on Blockchain Gaming