We’re living in prophetic times

Julia Plevin
Published in
4 min readOct 11, 2017

“I’m really stressed,” I tell my mom over a snack of chips and guacamole.

She laughs,“Oh, you have such a stressful life!”

It’s true, I left the corporate world to pursue my own passions because there’s so much important work to do in the world that I could no longer stand to waste my life energy designing strategy for a tobacco company and other shit that the world doesn’t need. Instead I started doing the work that matters, and when you follow your heart — magic happens. So now I’m writing a book about how to reconnect to nature, which is the most important work of our lifetime. And to stay connected myself, I take plenty of time to take care of myself and be amongst the trees.

I’m not stressed because of fake deadlines for clients that I don’t care about. I’m stressed because I feel what the Earth feels. I see through her eyes.

But my mom’s flippant comment elevated the stress to anger. And I’m grateful for that. Anger is one of those emotions that I have a hard time owning. I do so much work to remain calm and balanced, but anger is a catalyst for me. When I get worked up, I become driven. I’m able to communicate more clearly what I feel.

Kali — the embodiment of Mother Nature

The wildfires in Napa and Sonoma awoke the Kali in me. The Hindu Goddess Kali is the embodiment of Mother Nature, the goddess of life, death, transformation, destruction, endings, and beginnings. She forces us out of our comfort zone by creating storms and lighting fires to cleanse the old and make way for the new. Like the fires, she’s wild and untamable. She destroys everything in her path, which is terrifying but ultimately empowering. Kali’s energy can be seen in this whole year.

Wildfire in Sonoma County –The world is burning

This whole year, and especially the past few months have felt like one hard blow after another. Hurricanes in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico. Massive shootings in Las Vegas. Wildfires in California. A mess in the White House — literally every day it’s something new. Our brains can’t even process it all. It’s hashtags and noise and trauma and we don’t know where to go.

What’s happening through us on an individual level is also what’s happening on a universal level. As above so below. We’re going through a period of massive transformation. The Earth is trying to get us to wake up and listen to her. She’s screaming for attention.

The Trump administration is trying desperately to hold on to the overly-masculine, un-woke paradigm, but it won’t last long. Women are speaking up and men are getting called out on their bullshit. Like Harvey Weinstein.

It’s the same with Mother Earth. For so long, she’s just stayed quiet while we’ve taken, taken, taken from her like some endless resource. Like many women, she’s given so much and has put her own needs aside. She’s stayed quiet while she’s been ravaged. But now it’s gone on too long. She just can’t take it anymore. She’s so over it. So she’s speaking up. She’s roaring. Can’t you feel it?

This isn’t news; it’s a realization of a prophecy. It was always going to have to come to this.

Author and shamanic reiki healer Llyn Cedar Roberts writes about this prophecy in her book Shapeshifting into Higher Consciousness. She writes, “For centuries and through periods of severe persecution, original peoples from Tibet, Latin America, Siberia, North America, and other places have protected messages about today. These are prophecies that have remained hidden until recent decades. Diverse cultures predicted this episode of calamity and upheaval. Yet they also saw that it holds tremendous promise for humankind, the opportunities equaling the threats.”

Roberts shares some common themes that emerge in these prophecies. It’s almost like we are right on the verge of all of it.

  1. The times heralding the change will be imbalanced, fraught with turmoil, and full of polarized factions (yes, that’s right now)
  2. The earth is becoming conscious, emanating higher vibrations that shift our awareness (yes, there is a real spiritual awakening at this moment)
  3. Our greater humanness can awaken and we will be able to integrate heart and mind, spirituality and materialism (let’s sure hope!)
  4. The world as we know and we – our bodies and consciousness – are transforming (whoa, this is intense, but let’s go with it)
  5. Living from the heart in harmony with the earth is essential to survive (definitely)

We are being led to evolve quickly. We can choose to see all the chaos and trauma of these times as a transformational stage.

Yes, absolutely donate your time and resources to support people in need. Yes, call your congressmen and congresswomen and demand change. And among the most important work you can do right now is heal yourself. As you do so, you begin to heal the world. Healing happens when you connect to nature, your inner nature and outer nature. It happens when you relax your mind and start to listen to your heart.

As we begin to radiate from within, we radiate out to everyone around us. We are not separate from one another or nature. Healing ourselves also heals our planet.



Julia Plevin

Nature-Centered Designer | Entrepreneur | Founder of Forest Bathing Club. I write and design things — it’s all in service to Mother Earth.