10 Things You Can Do with Blockchain This Christmas

Williams Nana Kyei
Published in
5 min readDec 19, 2018
Foresting Santa

Winter is here. Whether there is a blizzard or mild snow, nothing will come in the way we are all stoked for the upcoming seasonal events.

Christmas is just a week away and many are preparing feverishly to have a good time during the season’s festivities. I am sure there’s a lot of plans and activities fixed to celebrate the holidays.

Remember, it is also a season of giving and thanksgiving. A period where families and friends meet, make merry, chat and affect the lives of others positively.

The blockchain industry reached a crescendo this year, with high prospects of mainstream adoption in the ensuing years. As we balk about the highs and lows of the crypto market, our minds are also tuned for the Christmas. Have you imagined a blockchain-themed yuletide?

Well, here are a few ideas to help you enjoy a blockchain or crypto Christmas — or better still, make it a ‘Blockchain Christmas.’

1. Decorate Your Christmas Tree with Crypto ornaments

Spice up your Christmas tree with crypto-inspired decorations. Charm your visitors with the sparkle of new designs and celebrate the season in style.

2. Buy a Cryptocurrency Gear: Bitcoin T-shirt and Socks

It is impressive how the blockchain and crypto community come up with stuff related to the field. Would you rather not sip your hot Christmas coffee in a bitcoin mug, wearing a bitcoin t-shirt and warming your feet with bitcoin socks? How cool! Buy these branded materials and stand out this Christmas.

3. Give Cryptocurrency to your loved ones as a gift

You all know how easy it is to transfer cryptocurrency to your peers? Do away with fiat currency this Christmas. Surprise a friend by giving them crypto as a present.

4. Learn about Cryptocurrencies


Don’t you think Christmas and New Year is also the perfect time to pamper yourself? Why don’t you diversify your crypto investment? Purchase new tokens, participate in other ICOs or invest more into your favorite coin.
Hint: Buy the dip — and buy it now.

5. Be a Crypto Santa Claus — Offer Crypto Candies and Crytokitties to Kids


Kids are most excited during this period of the year. Share crypto-themed candies to them. Register on game collectibles like Cryptokitties and allow the kids to play and enjoy.

6. Are You a Blockchain Company? Share Your Branded Souvenirs

Foresting Goodies

Do you have company branded items like hoodies, t-shirts, snapbacks, mugs, tumblers, diaries or even pens? Run a giveaway and offer these items to your community. Foresting has been giving away moleskin notebooks to its fans at various events throughout the year. You can do the same for your company and increase brand awareness.

7. Host a Cryptomaniacs Christmas Party

What is Christmas, without a party? Call up your crypto-buddies for a small house party. That is a good time to discuss all the market price issues, blockchain and anything in between, as you prepare for the New Year. Share a beer and toast to blockchain.

8. Introduce a friend or Family Member into Blockchain

There are so many people out there who have no idea how to dive into this new technology. There seem to be fears and drawbacks from the larger mainstream. What you can do this Christmas is to allay the fears of your friends and family and explain to them in layman’s language to attract them.

9. Buy a Book on Blockchain for yourself or give as a gift

This book by Don Tapscott has been acclaimed as the best seller in the current blockchain jurisdiction. Blockchain Revolution will open your mind and equip you with fresh knowledge and deep understanding of the technology. Go grab yours and lets read together this Christmas.

10. Get a Crypto Hardware Wallet

You probably have all your digital assets online. Make a conscious decision and get a hardware crypto wallet. There are USB types, NFC card type, card reader and cold wallets. Increase your security assets.

Do you have any more ideas? What are your plans for Christmas? Have a joyous one and see you in the New Blockchain Year.

Merry Christmas from Team Foresting



Williams Nana Kyei

Building SPORTFORLIO | Side Hustling at www.KimchiDigital.com | Writing my Life at www.WilliamsKyei.com | Culturati | Bibliophile | Blockchainer | Traveler