4 Blog Post Ideas for When your Mind’s Drawing a Blank

Nicole Arnott
Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2018

Writer’s block’s a funny thing. Whether you’re drumming your fingers on the keyboard, pacing up and down your bedroom or mindlessly scouring the internet for an idea, it seems like the words will never come.

However, most people find that inspiration is always the best anecdote. So, if you’ve been banging your head off your laptop trying to think of *anything* to write, let these 4 blog post ideas get you out of that writing rut.

Get to Know Me

There’s a reason why some bloggers are now even more influential than the world’s leading magazines.

Because they’re human, and they’re real.

Even if you usually focus on the facts in your blog posts, your readers still probably want to get to know you. So give the people what they want!

A “Get to Know Me” post is a fun way to get your fingers nimble again. You can write about anything you want from what’s in your handbag to how you started blogging, or just some fun facts about yourself.

And, the best thing is, because it’s a subject that you’re definitely an expert in, you’re less likely to get lost for words.

How To Posts

One of the best ways to really connect with your followers is to educate them. No matter what your niche is, there’s definitely something you can teach your audience.

These are a few great examples of this blog post idea:

  • How to Make Homemade Mayo
  • How to do a Fishtail Braid
  • How to Plan the Ultimate UK Roadtrip

By showing your audience how to do something, you’re making their time on your blog genuinely valuable. And that’s what keeps people coming back!


The success of websites like buzzfeed proves one thing: people love lists. And there’s a good reason for that- as much as we hate to admit it, we have brains like goldfish.

Especially when we’re on the internet.

If you want to keep our attention for more than 3 seconds, then clear headings and easily digestible information will definitely do the job.

These are a few examples:

  • 10 Colourful Cities to Visit in Latin America
  • 5 Ab Exercises to Add to your next Workout
  • 4 Blog Post Ideas for when your mind’s…..

Product Comparisons

Product comparisons are a great blog post idea for anyone, but especially for those who’re monetising their blogs through affiliate links. Take two rival products and give your readers your say on them. Who does best in price, quality, aesthetics etc. These are things that people google regularly (so pay attention to SEO) with an intention to buy (so get those juicy links in there!)

We hope this post has helped you get rid of that writer’s block and given you some inspo. As always, if you have a blog post idea of your own that you’d like to share, leave us a comment and let us know all about it!



Nicole Arnott

Nicole is a creative copywriter from Glasgow, focusing on entrepreneurship, digital marketing and the startup scene.