4 Creative Ways to Stand out on Social Media

Nicole Arnott
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2018

Looking to stand out on social media? It can feel like an uphill battle but don’t lose hope. Just follow these tactics and get on your way to being #instafamous!

Have a Story to Tell

Great storytelling can transform a social media account. Why have accounts like Humans of New York become so successful? They tell stories that tug at our heartstrings. When we go to their profile, we know what we’re getting and what to expect.

This account is a prime example of someone using their caption space wisely.

And you should try their tactic, too.

Rather than posting the same old photo of your cocktail with “it’s 5pm somewhere”, why not use that space to tell a story?

Just be careful, though. Too many self-indulgent diary essays can be boring for your reader. Make sure you give them value, too.

Whether that be by introducing somewhere new to them or giving them a fun tip, give them a reason to love your content!

And that leads us to our next tip…

Involve your Followers

Social Media should be just that- social. To make your content stand out, think of your profile as a community. Not just a place to showcase your selfies or holiday photos.

Ask questions to your audience, create a conversation, talk about the things you all love, teach them something they don’t know.

Your followers are the people who will help you make it to the top. Make sure they’re with you on your journey and show them your appreciation every step of the way.

Stick to a Theme

If your content has a theme, people will know what to expect when they visit your profile. And, most importantly, they’ll know why they love it, too. Whether it’s because you always use bright colors or take photos of amazing destinations, make sure you’re always consistent.

Switch up your Content

Are you the type of person who loves writing long-form blog posts? Why not get personal with a live q&a video? If your content is usually visual, why not share a curated blog post by your favorite blogger?

By doing this, you’ll keep your content, fresh, fun and exciting. Social media is always evolving so make sure you don’t get left behind.

We hope that these tips will help your content truly stand out on social media. Here at Foresting, we want to do everything we can to support content creators.

That’s why our app rewards bloggers for the content they create.

Learn more about Foresting on our website and follow along on Social Media to keep up to date with the most current Foresting news!

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Nicole Arnott

Nicole is a creative copywriter from Glasgow, focusing on entrepreneurship, digital marketing and the startup scene.