5 Photography Tips that’ll Transform your Social Media Content

Nicole Arnott
Published in
4 min readSep 11, 2018

Looking to up your social media game? The first thing you should probably start doing is posting better photos. Good photography can make or break your content but, luckily, you don’t an expensive camera or years of photography training to be a better photographer. By following these simple tips, you’ll have lust-worthy photography in no time!

Know how you want your Photo to Look

It’s all good to point and shoot, but sometimes a little bit more thought can make a huge bit of difference. Take inspiration from accounts you love, or make mood board on Pinterest of the type of photos that you aspire to take.

If you have an idea of the style of photography you want to showcase, your feed will be more consistent and your content will be more memorable.

Pay Attention to Lighting

You’ve probably heard photographers talking about “the golden hour”, but do you know when it is?

The golden hour is the time when the sun is close to the horizon, usually, an hour before and after the sun rises and sets.

If you take your photos around this time, you’ll have soft, warm lighting and basically… gorgeous photo magic. Find out where the golden hour is where you are and take advantage of it.

Compose your Photos Well

If the golden hour is photo magic, then composition is the photo science that makes your photography look amazing. Composition is the way you place the pieces of your photo together. For the best results, most photographers swear by the rule of thirds when taking photos.

To use the rule of thirds, imagine there is a grid on your viewfinder and try to put the subject of your photo in one of the places where the lines overlap.

By taking photos like this, people’s eyes will be naturally drawn to the subject of the photo, making it a more pleasant viewing experience. Aka- a better photo!

Keep it Simple

If a photo is cluttered, your eye doesn’t know where to look or focus. Photos with clean backgrounds and a clear subject are much more pleasing to the eye. Rather than trying to cram everything in your photos, keep things simple and practice a more minimalist style of photography.

Edit your Photos- but don’t Over-edit them..

Photo-editing gets a bit of a bad rap. With popular hashtags like #nofilter glorifying the unedited photo, you might feel like photo-editing is a cheater’s game.

However, when done right, photo-editing can elevate your photo and even make it look closer to the way it did in real life.

You know the expression “the photo doesn’t do it justice”? Well, by editing your photo properly, you can do it all the justice it deserves!

If you’re a beginner, try using filters or presets to get the look you want. Just remember though, that one filter doesn’t fit all photos. You’ll still need to adjust things like exposure, contrast, highlights and shadows individually for each photo.

You should also try your best to keep it natural- a little bit of saturation can bring out the colours in a photo, but too much can make it look fake and tacky. Always adjust each component to its high spot and bring it down until it reaches its happy medium.


We hope that these content tips help you become a better photographer! If you love photography and would like to get paid for your art, we have a solution for you.

Foresting is a blockchain based rewards social media platform that rewards you for the content you create. That means, you can make money from your photography, even when you’re still starting out.

Our app is going into beta testing later this year. Keep an eye on our social media to keep up to date with all the latest Foresting news!

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Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/foresting/



Nicole Arnott

Nicole is a creative copywriter from Glasgow, focusing on entrepreneurship, digital marketing and the startup scene.