5 Ways To Relieve Stress

Sujin Yoon
Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2018

1. Regulate stress by taking a rest
Getting stressed at first might motivate you to focus more on your work, yet when it reaches the limit, it rather causes anxiety that leads to lack of focus. Try listening to music that you like or take a break before your stress reaches the limit. It’ll surely help you.

2. Write down the Things that stress you
Whenever you are stressed, get a note and write everything down. Acknowledging what stresses you will clear your head about what’s been messing with you, and help you get more comfortable with it.

3. Say the magic word, Hakuna Matata
When things get stressed, remind yourself over and over again. ‘It’s going to be okay,’ ‘I can deal with it,’ ‘I have dear people who back me up and cheer me up with love.’ It’ll calm you down and help you concentrate on your work again.

4. If you can’t avoid it, try enjoying the situation
People get stressed when they couldn’t demonstrate their ability as much as they wanted. When that happens, not only are they in stress, get stuck in the past ‘I should’ve done it like this’. However, it’ll only make themselves painful. What’s done cannot be undone. Put down the worries about the future or past and try to enjoy the present.

5. Make your own encouragement phrase
When you get stuck on past because you did something wrong, you need to have a way to escape from it. The more you worry, the more stress you’ll get, and it becomes harder to overwhelm the stress. Saying things that encourage you in your own sentence is the easiest way to deal with it.



Sujin Yoon

Global Marketing @Foresting Creative writer, Digital Marketing, Startups, Traveler, Photographer, Artist, Seoul, Korea