Bloggers & Influencers: This is Why you Need a Niche

Nicole Arnott
Published in
3 min readAug 6, 2018

Did you know that a new blog is born every half a second? For new bloggers, this can be intimidating. Among all these billions, how can your little blog stand out? But there is one little thing that can help: having a clear, well defined niche.

Whether you’re a brand new blogger or a hobby blogger looking to turn your blog into a business, keep reading to find out why you need to find your niche as a blogger.

More Opportunities to Monetise

If £s or $s in the bank is one of your main blogging goals, having a niche will really accelerate your monetisation efforts.

Niche bloggers who have a highly engaged and targeted audience are much more likely to have successful affiliate and ad campaigns on their site. Why? Because they know exactly who their readers are, why they read their blog and what products they can offer them.

Lifestyle bloggers, on the other hand, often have large followings but find it difficult to monetise.

And this makes sense.

Most of these lifestyle bloggers write about several different topics and target all different demographics. Some readers might visit them for recipe ideas, other might visit their blog for beauty inspiration and some might just come for the storytelling.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing- their audience can really connect with them thanks to their authenticity. But, when it comes to advertising products, the conversion rate tends to be low because their readers don’t have the same shared interests.

Clearer Focus

As a blogger or social media influencer, there’s no doubt that you have a never ending to-do list. From editing photos to writing blog posts and even arranging brand partnerships, it can be difficult to keep on top of everything.

But, add to that the task of deciding which content to create and things can get a bit… overwhelming!

It’s much easier to develop a content calendar if you’re a niche blogger. Rather than writing about anything and everything, you can get more methodical in your approach. Most niche bloggers use RSS feeds to find out what their competitors are writing about and use keyword planners to figure out what their target audience is searching for.

This cuts out so much trial and error for bloggers who’re trying to create an effective content strategy that they can make money from.

Plus, having a clearer focus on what to write won’t just make the creator’s job easier, it’ll make the content clearer for their readers, too!

Easier to Gain Expert Status

These days, it seems like everyone on our feeds is an expert in travel. Or beauty. Or food. So who do we listen to? Who’s the real expert?

To be seen as an expert in anything among millions, you need to really narrow your field.

This doesn’t mean you need to start writing about something obscure that you don’t even care about like vintage stamps or 90s basketball shoes. But, you should be more focused if you want to be known as an expert.

So, instead of writing about travel, why not write about luxury spa breaks in the Caribbean? Or rather than simply focusing on beauty, concentrate on organic and cruelty-free skincare.

You don’t need to do a full 180 on what you’re interested in when it comes to creating a new niche. Just take what you know and narrow it down until you find something you can be an expert in.

Are you a niche blogger? Give us all some inspiration and let us know your area of expertise in the comments!



Nicole Arnott

Nicole is a creative copywriter from Glasgow, focusing on entrepreneurship, digital marketing and the startup scene.