DeCentre and Foresting Held Blockchain Knowledge Sharing ‘Decentalk’

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2 min readJun 27, 2018
Group Photo of Foresting Founders and DeCentre’s Founders

DeCentre (CEO Hong Yong Sean) held Decentalk, a meeting to introduce a new promising platform based on blockchain, on the 24th of May 2018.

The first meeting of Decentalk is a knowledge sharing gathering sponsored by Bibox sponsored by DeCentre (CEO Hong Young Sun) and Foresting (CEO Daniel Eom). In this meeting, we introduced a new SNS service ‘Foresting Network’ based on blockchain.

The event was attended by more than 100 people interested in Foresting network supporters, next-generation SNS services and cryptographic investment and blockchain business.

“The Foresting Network was launched based on the philosophical implications of the birth of Bitcoin and the more fair society shared by Satoshi Nakamoto” said Daniel. ‘Foresting Bank’ for digital banking service for participating players, ‘Foresting Lab’ for supporting the Foresting community and realizing social change through the contribution of Foresting.

Participants at the DeCentalk Event

“This event is a place to share knowledge and insights on how to create value for new SNS services based on blockchain and to innovate existing business models,” said CEO Hong DéCentre. “This is a valuable opportunity to see innovative projects that have not been introduced yet” he said.

You can read this article in Korean via the link below:




Foresting is a blockchain based Social Media Service that rewards you for the content you create. Learn more at