Foresting is driving to universities…

Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2019

Dear friends,

Today we have some good news for you. You might be a bit surprised but be sure that there is always the reason behind everything.
And today we would like to introduce you Foresting Coffee Truck with a fancy name, BERRY Car.

Berry Car???
Yes, that’s correct. Berry Car… Can imagine the confusion on your face 😊

Let’s clarify what BERRY Car is.
These days are the toughest period for university students because they are having final exams. We all remember what days those FINALS were … As we are having “Foresting is rooting for your [ ]” campaigns we thought why not to support university students. So, we will visit some Korean universities and distribute coffee for free to anyone who wants coffee.

So now you know what BERRY Car is and you might wonder why we do this. But before let’s go through the history of FORESTING app development and performance.

1. Foresting Closed Beta Test!

Foresting closed beta test started in winter. Foresting conducted a total of three close-beta tests from January to March this year. Despite cold weather, the team didn’t have time to let go of cell phone from hands…

The closed beta tests involved several content creators from South Korea and abroad for better results and diversification.

​People in their 20s and 30s are the most active ones in social media, so naturally, people in their 20s and 30s had the highest rate of participation in the test. ​

Test results!

High satisfaction level ★ ★ ★ ★

There are two reasons why satisfaction was high!
1) Interesting and fresh content
2) Ability to obtain mobile coupons as compensation for SNS activities

Today, we are presenting over 30 mobile coupons on Foresting!
Coffee coupons from Starbucks and Twosome Place, refreshing ice-cream coupons, BHC fried chicken coupons, movie coupons, and so on: everything young people like doing!

2. Foresting after the Open Beta…

At the end of April, Foresting Open Beta was released. Since it was opened to general users, not selected content creators, the amount of content on the platform has increased dramatically, but the freshness and fun have been reduced.

As the Open Beta is a test version prior to the release of the official version, the reduced user satisfaction level and complains are natural.

3. Why Foresting Goes to Universities!

Foresting is working hard every day to release its official version in August! ​The most important role in a stable and reliable service of the official version is the user’s voice. ​Foresting wants to meet people in their 20s and 30s who are the main source of fresh and interesting ideas in content creation.
Foresting wants to power up and to give inspiration!

We were wondering how we can help each other and as the final exams will start soon there is a good chance!
We will visit universities in the metropolitan area from the coming week to listen to the opinions about Foresting and to distribute refreshing coffee.

The first university to visit next week is the University of Seoul (UOS).

​We are very excited about how college students react, whether the coffee tastes good and they like it.

​The Foresting team will give you a live report on the university visit with BERRY Car.
Stay tuned!




Foresting is a blockchain based Social Media Service that rewards you for the content you create. Learn more at