Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2018
Foresting CEO Daniel Eom making a presentation

The blockchain-based SNS platform ‘Foresting’ was introduced at the ‘Foresting Tech Summit 2018’ held at Dynasty Hall, Shilla Hotel, Seoul, on Thursday, June 7

Lectures and panel discussions were held on the theme of Philosophy, Technology, Business Model of Foresting and the Future of Blockchain.

Panel discussions with Experts

“Foresting Tech Summit 2018” was attended by about 550 people including IT industry eminent people, blockchain companies, and financials, who are interested in next generation SNS platform and password investment based on blockchain, Interested people interested in business.

SNS and blockchain technology have met with creators and users who contribute to the platform in various forms of providing content through blockchain technology, in order to distribute the value more fairly.

The event was hosted by Singapore-based Foresting HQ and DECENTRE, StartupRadar and Acuvic, and sponsored by the Derbychain, BlockchainRadar, ZDNet Korea and the Korea Software Industry Association.

Expert Speakers with DeCentre’s Team

Brian Dixon, COO of Capital Innovators and Richard Klatt, Vice President of Partnership of Indorse, attended the event, discussing the changes that blockchain technology will bring to our society and the SNS, finance and social contribution industries.

Brian Dixon at the Summit

Brian Dixon, COO of Capital Innovators, who is a panelist, is an investment specialist for PinTech and is investing in cryptographic and block-chain companies since 2012. He has written three books on bitcoin and block chaining and has spoken about more than 40 digital calls and block chains around major cities around the world. Richard Klatt is currently working with the Indorse group. He is a vice president of partnership and has been involved in venture business development and investment in financial institutions.

The last lecture was a keynote speaker, Kim Yong Tae, director of Kim Yong Tae Lab, gave a lecture on the topic of the future of the blockchain.

“This event will create value for the new SNS service based on the block chain and share the business model,” said DeCentre co-founder Hong Young-sun. “It will be a valuable opportunity to meet new projects that have not been introduced yet.”

“Foresting Tech Summit 2018 will be a place to share knowledge and insights on how blockchain technology creates new value through social media and how to innovate existing business models, “It is an opportunity to see innovative projects that have not been introduced in Korea so far, so I expect a lot of participation and interest from those who are interested in blockchain and SNS-related information.”

Daniel Eom (Co-Founder & CEO of Foresting) and David Lee (Co-founder & CEO of DeCentre)

He also has a global influence in the blockchain industry, including “Capital Innovators COO Brian Dixon, Indorse VP Partnership Richard Klatt, Tontine Trust CFO Alberto Furger, IP Chain Zoltan Veszer, Kevin Wright, Pawmetircs Founder Ava Lawrence and Exchange Union This time, the people have joined as the advisors of Foresting. “

Participants at the Tech Summit




Foresting is a blockchain based Social Media Service that rewards you for the content you create. Learn more at