Got Writer’s Block? Use These Hacks to get your Creative Juices Back!

Nicole Arnott
Published in
4 min readAug 14, 2018

Writer’s block. We’ve all been there. If you’re a content creator, chances are that writing something is a huge part of your job. Whether that be blog posts, Instagram captions or a 100-page e-book, words are how you express yourself to the world. They’re your tools, and when you can’t find them, things get a bit frustrating.

Luckily there are some things you can do to get over this slump.

(But, no, waiting until you feel “inspired” again isn’t one of them.)

These simple hacks I’m going to show you are tried, tested and will help you get your creative juices flowing again in no time.

Just Write

I know it probably sounds counter-intuitive to suggest writing as a way to heal writer’s block, but this really isn’t as silly as it sounds.

The trick to writing your way past writer’s block is to write about something simple. Anything! Write about a topic that you know really well and are passionate about to get the words back at your fingertips.

And, this could honestly be whatever you want it to be. You could write a blog post to tell your followers 5 things about yourself. Or, you could write an ode to your cat for your eyes only.

Try a few different things, and see what makes you feel creative again.

Change Formats

If you’re used to using a computer, give your eyes, back and neck a rest for 15 minutes and change to paper. Grab a notebook and pencil, and sit somewhere quiet and cosy, with no distractions, and free-write.

Switching to paper can do wonders for eliminating your writer’s block- especially since you don’t have the wonders of the world wide web within your reach.

Free-writing for 15 minutes about whatever words come to you can refresh your brain and get your creative juices flowing. That’s why so many successful entrepreneurs and writers around the world swear by free-writing as part of their daily morning routine.

Use Bullet Points

It’s all well and good to just write what feels good, but sometimes you have deadlines looming and you need to write that dreaded article you’ve been putting off.

Instead of diving in head first, try writing bullet points related to the subject. Not only will this bring some words back to you, you can also use your bullet points to help you plan your writing when you finally start that article.

Find your Optimum Zone

If you write frequently, writer’s block is something you’re probably going to have to deal with on a regular basis. To stop this happening, experiment with your surroundings and behaviours to find your optimum writing zone.

I know that for me, I write well in the morning when there are people around me, but I also have headphones and some music to block out their noise. Funnily enough, coffee helps, too and that’s why, I like to head to a coffee shop in the morning if I have a big day of writing ahead of me.

Overtime, you’ll find your optimum zone for writing in, too! Keep notes of the places that work and the places that don’t until you find your perfect place.

I hope that these tips can help you get your creativity back and make the words flow again! Of course, if you’ve got any tips of your own, leave them in the comments and share the love.

Here’s to productive days and an abundance of words!

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Nicole Arnott

Nicole is a creative copywriter from Glasgow, focusing on entrepreneurship, digital marketing and the startup scene.