The first teaser of Foresting App UI / UX.

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4 min readMay 9, 2019

What are UI and UX?

The terms UI and UX are mostly used words in mobile applications and web development. Many of us are confused about the use of these two words and have trouble distinguishing from each other. Here is your short guide to understand the difference between UI and UX. UI stands for ‘user interface’ which consists of almost everything that a user sees while using an application or software program. It is the appearance of a program. The buttons, clicks, texts, colors, frames, images and any other contents are placed in an interface visible to users. On the other hand, UX stands for ‘user experience’ which is the interaction between a user and software. What is the interaction? Interactions can be clicks that users perform, movements around the tabs and buttons, navigations through options and tools. The UX score shows how easy or confusing, simple or complicated, smooth or clunky the app is from the point of the user’s view. In a nutshell, UI determines how an app looks like whereas UX examines the interaction between a user and the interface.

Foresting UI / UX

A long-awaited Foresting app is now available for mobile devices on Google Play and App Store since April 30 of 2019. This section will introduce the UI/UX of the app. For those who have not downloaded the app yet, this topic will be somehow intriguing and we bet that those who already experienced the app will not get bored as we reveal some unique and hidden features. Let us give it a start then.

The app is so light (17 MB and 36 MB for android and ios platforms respectively) and it takes a few seconds to download and complete the installation. After installing, you will see the company logo with a bright background of white with a colorful word ‘Foresting’. The log-in stage is way simpler — register or sign in with your social accounts such as Google+, Facebook, Kakao or Twitter accounts. You don’t have any of them? No problem, sign up with your email. The landing page is the home button which embraces all the contents that your friends upload. The interface colors are chosen to help users easily focus on the contents without any distraction. Bright and relaxing colors, simple and beautiful functional icons found their look after dozens of designs and updates.

The Home Tab of the Foresting App

You may notice quite new and unique icons below the contents. They have great features with the help of blockchain technology. The icon with the hand gesture (like a picking finger) is a vote that users give each others’ contents. Unlike the ‘Like’ button, the PICK button has power as it brings rewards to the participants in voting. Each user is given 24 PICKs per day, being charged 1 PICK per hour. This limitation makes you use your PICKs wisely. Once you receive PICKs from followers and friends, PICKs are automatically converted into BERRYs. BERRY is a reward point used within the platform. Here is a rough calculation for the rewards: 1 PICK is equal to 0.1 BERRY. 1 BERRY is 100 KRW (which is roughly equal to 10 cents). If you are good at math, you already know that 100 PICKs bring you a dollar! People are collecting millions of followers and billions of likes on social media apps. But there is no benefit from them. Here you have a tool to make your own rewarding app! Now, let us move to the next new feature of the app. It is Shooting! Yes, Shooting with the blueberry icon on the right bottom of the content. What does it do? Imagine you saw an amazing content uploaded by someone. You gave a like and a PICK to the content. But you feel that you want to support the creator of this content. The Shooting button makes it possible. Click on it and adjust how many BERRYs you want to support with. Send your donation with a message. This is how Foresting is encouraging users to collaborate and support each other for mutual growth.

Discover new contents in the search box. Get updated with the latest events all here. Next one is the ‘Upload’ tab. Uploading includes all necessary tools with a cool function which helps you to type your hashtags without a hashtag symbol. You save your precious seconds with it. It is time to talk about the ‘Wallet’ tab.

This is the magic of Foresting with the help of blockchain. Your wallet is your personal bank. It has all your transaction and compensation history. Manage your BERRY and PTON, exchange them with each other or send to another wallet. PTON is the Foresting token which is created on the ethereum network. Just below your digital card, there is the Foresting shop where you find items to purchase. Choose what you want to buy with your BERRYs. In a single step, you will receive your mobile coupon the item you purchased.

We leave the last tab for you to discover it by yourself. You are right, it is the profile tab and it has many new features that you couldn’t anticipate. Download it and check them all on your own! Stay tuned for the next updates.




Foresting is a blockchain based Social Media Service that rewards you for the content you create. Learn more at