How To Get Six-Pack Abs — The Definitive Guide

Get the lean, defined mid-section you always wanted, in just two simple steps.

David Welburn
Forever Fit


A man, lifting his shirt to reveal a well-defined six-pack.
Photo by 대호 박:

It seems that almost everyone wants six-pack abs these days, yet very few people ever achieve them. So if you do manage to get a six-pack, it sets you apart from the vast majority of other people.

And although it will take a fair degree of determination, the approach required to do it is actually fairly simple. So in this article, I’ll explain exactly how you can get six-pack abs.

But first, you need to realize that there are no quick fixes. You won’t get a six-pack by simply doing a seven-minute ab workout every day, or by using the latest gadget you saw on the shopping channel.

To get a six-pack, you will need to do two things — build up your abdominal muscles, and burn off the fat that covers them.

1. Build Up Your Abdominal Muscles

Contrary to popular belief, doing hundreds of sit-ups or crunches every day is not the best way to build up your abdominal muscles. The main role of the abdominals is to brace the body, so doing exercises like deadlifts (especially sumo deadlifts), squats, and overhead presses will build and strengthen your abs better than most things.



David Welburn
Forever Fit

Fitness Instructor with over 45 years of lifting experience. Former Biomedical Scientific Officer. Top writer in Health.