5 of the Best Foods to Eat In The Fall

Bensonhurst Dental
Forever Young
Published in
4 min readSep 4, 2015


As seasons change, so do our bodies and their needs. Seasons will always change, but one thing that that shouldn’t, is how you treat your body. Fall is one of the most important seasons to prepare for, as in many parts of the world temperature changes as summer fades out. There are certain foods to incorporate into your diet that are perfect for the fall season.

Here are some which will help you feel your best during the fall season:

Cabbage and Brussels Sprouts

Cabbage is perfect for the fall season as it’s a good source of Vitamins A and C which help boost your immune system. Brussels sprouts are a great source of glucosinolates which are a cancer-fighting compound. Rotating both, cabbage and Brussels into your fall meals will help in maintaining optimal health, as you will be arming your body with antioxidants and powerful vitamins to stave off bacteria and viruses. Look for recipes such as casseroles to creatively incorporate these vegetables into your meals, especially if your kids are not huge fans!


Apples are another great source of antioxidants. They also help in preventing chronic diseases.

A Finnish study published in the September 2002 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition evaluated the diets of more than 10,000 men and women and found that those whose diet was high in flavonoids from fruit and vegetables, particularly quercitin, found in high quantities in apples, and kaempferol, abundant in onions, had a lower overall risk of mortality and were much less likely to die of heart disease or stroke. Consumption of foods rich in quercitin was also found to confer protection against lung or prostate cancer, type 2 diabetes and asthma.

Whether the apple is cooked or eaten raw, it still contains beneficial nutrients for the body that makes them perfect for any season. An apple a day really does keep the doctor away! There are so many varieties of apples to choose from. Luckily fall is apple picking season! So get the family and friends together to harvest and feast.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are in their peak season in the fall. They are rich in beta-carotene, which helps in preventing Vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A helps in promoting healthy eyesight and keeping your skin healthy. Cooler temperatures and winds can really dry out your skin, and eyes, especially in northeastern regions. Perfect excuse to make some sweet potato pie, or sweet potato fries this fall. Added benefit: when sweet potatoes are baked, their skin contains about 5 grams of fiber per serving!


Pomegranates are known as “the fruit of ancient lore”. Being one of the best sources of antioxidants for any season, they can provide extra support for your body during fall and winter due to their high vitamin C content. Being a very powerful source of antioxidants, they may also help to reduce the risk cardiovascular disease. Pomegranates can be a struggle to open, check out this inscrutable for tips. You can toss pomegranate granules into salads or blend them into tangy sauces for dessert.


Cranberries are among the best foods for fall, not only because a serving contains just 25 calories, but also because it can help prevent various health problems. Cranberries can lower the risk of UTIs (urinary tract infections) as well as certain types of cancer. Cranberries have loads of vitamin C, possess anti-inflammatory phytonutrients, and generally benefit your immune system. You can stir dried cranberries into your oatmeal or yogurt, or just eat them in the raw.

Remember, eating well nourishes every part of your body!

Having a balanced diet full of rich colors and constructing your meals from seasonal foods is beneficial for your overall wellbeing. It gives your bones, teeth, muscles and joints the nutrition they need to help keep you feeling great and performing at your best.

Enjoy the fall season!



Bensonhurst Dental
Forever Young

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