Butter In Your Coffee?! What Is BulletProof Coffee And Why Is It Good For You?

Terry Arsenault
Forever Young
Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2017

Thrilled by the exhilarating feeling he got from drinking yak-butter tea in Tibet, David Asprey came up with the Bulletproof Coffee recipe in 2009. Since then, the buzz of this energy boosting brew has carried on to gain popular acceptance. There are a few critics of Bulletproof Coffee but that is expected as hardly would any product cause such a sensation without opposition views coming up.

So, what’s Bulletproof Coffee how is it prepared and in what ways does it benefit you?

The Bulletproof Coffee Recipe


  • Bulletproof Coffee Beans
  • Brain Octane Oil (trade mark supplement of the Bulletproof Coffee Company made from coconut oil extract)
  • Grass-fed ghee or unsalted butter (Kerrygold is a good one)


Bulletproof Coffee is quite easy to prepare.

  • Simply heap 2 ½ tablespoons of freshly-ground Bulletproof Coffee Beans into 8–12 oz of freshly boiled filtered water.
  • Add 1–2 tablespoons of Brain Octane and 1–2 tablespoons of grass-fed ghee and mix all in a blender for about 30 seconds until a foamy latte is formed.

When using Brain Octane for the first time, add one tablespoon and work your way up gradually until you get the strength that you desire.

Health Benefits Of Bulletproof Coffee

Bulletproof coffee beans provide you with great mental boost and energy you need for the day’s activities. It contains the lowest level of toxins (mycotoxins) when compared with some other commercially available coffee varieties. High levels of mycotoxins reduce your mental edge.

Grass-fed ghee gives you all the benefits of healthy milk fat and contains none of the damaging denatured casein proteins found in cream. Combined with a balanced diet, you get more energy from your buttered coffee than you would from other blends

Brain Octane Oil helps in improving brain function and supports ketosis which can trigger weight loss. It is actually stronger than Coconut Oil Extract in boosting the brain naturally by supplying 18 times more caprylic fatty acids to the brain.

Bulletproof coffee offers you the satisfaction and sustained energy to keep you going for hours. It’s about time you taste the creamiest and most delicious cup of coffee you’ve tasted yet.

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