The Biggest Mistakes I See People Make at The Gym.
Forever Young
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2015

I absolutely love being a personal trainer! Although, I found once I became a trainer it also comes with the ability to quickly spot mistakes. Usually, when I’m in the gym completing my own workouts is when I see the mistakes people make the most. I have taken some time to elaborate on a few of the most common mistakes I see people make !

Forgetting to Breathe

Forgetting to breathe is number one on my list. “Just breathe!” is what I want to shout kindly through the beads of sweat stinging my eyes when I see veins popping, red faces, cheeks puffed, eyes bulging, foreheads wrinkled, lips together and jaws clenched. Instead of boring you with an endless amount of bioenergetic concepts I would like to remind you of the very simple fact our muscles require oxygen to work. Especially when lifting heavy weights and using a variety of large muscle groups it is so important to focus on your breathing. It will improve your ability to complete more exercise then if you were to hold your breath in any scenario. Ideally you want to be exhaling during muscle contraction and inhaling during muscle extension. Please don’t hold your breath!

Lifting too much weight too soon

Lifting too much weight too soon is something I see often enough for it to be listed as my number two. When you are using weight bearing exercises it is important to challenge yourself and essential for you to avoid injury. Shaking and burning sensations are muscles working hard to lift a load, lifting too much weight too soon could cause injury to other areas of the body especially if you are breaking form meant to keep you stabilized and safe. I feel it’s better to work towards a heavier weight slowly. You can still challenge yourself by a one to four rep challenge by lifting the heaviest weight you possibly can without breaking form until you become strong enough to lift the one to four rep maximum weight easily. Then by repeating the process and increasing to the next weight up this will allow your body time to adjust and gain the muscle it needs to lift the increased load every time.

Not Drinking Enough Water

Stay hydrated my friends because this is number three on my list. Water is used by the body to bring oxygenated blood through the body which brings us back to point number one being the fact we need oxygen for our muscles to work. Staying hydrated before during and after a workout will help your body function properly to meet the extra demands of exercise. Water also assists in the management of important bodily functions and not just for restroom functions. Many factors increase the body’s need for hydration and exercise is one of them. Men should be drinking approximately 3.7 litres of water per day and women should be drinking approximately 2.7 litres of water per day. Drinking water well before you feel thirsty prevents dehydration.

