Forge City Blues

A new publication

Kevin M. Coleman
Forge City Blues
2 min readJul 2, 2024


Illustration by me via Midjourney and Canva.

Hello, friends.

I spent the day working on a story. Planning. Working and reworking. Standing back and studying the slab to see the shape of things hidden therein. For the first time in almost three years, I spent the entire day working on a piece of fiction. It felt really, really good.

For a long time, my posts have been about general life stuff, bereavement, and the odd piece of writing advice that I can pry out of my brain. It’s been slow laps around the track just to keep myself in the game, to keep the rust at bay. None of that is going away, but today I worked as a writer — really worked —and I felt that old excitement come to life again.

Remember what it felt like to wander back into your favourite watering hole after social distancing was lifted? The old playlists filtering through the dozens of conversations happening at once. Chicken wings in the fryer. The welcoming smile of your favourite waitress. Familiar and yet somehow brand new. That’s what I felt as I eased back into the Depression Era world I am trying to build around a character of mine, a character who’s been with me for the better part of ten years, a world that I want to write about in my new publication Forge City Blues.

Do I know anything about running a publication in Medium? Hell no. Am I going screw something up? More than likely. Am I going to let it stop me? No. This is one of those learn as you go projects.

What is Forge City Blues? I don’t know yet. Let me dig out the ore and throw it in the fire for awhile to burn away the dross. I’ll keep you updated as I hammer away, and you can follow along if you want.




Kevin M. Coleman
Forge City Blues

Author of crime fiction short stories, microfiction, and novellas. Lives and works in Ottawa, Canada.