Inferno Incentives — Round 3

Benny Lava
3 min readJul 6, 2023


Round 3 of the Inferno Incentives program is now LIVE! Running for a three week period concluding on July 26th!

With the conclusion of the second incentive period, the Inferno Incentive Program is officially at the halfway point! Forge has seen over $13m in total volume since launching with the current TVL sitting around $1.75m!

via Forge Stats
via Forge Stats

New with the third incentive round is that it includes the unallocated token incentives from the first round, totally 62,546 stEVMOS and 2,983 STRD. This injection of extra rewards makes this round the most appealing yet!

This increases stEVMOS rewards by ~10% and ~14% for STRD

In addition to this injection, slight changes were made to how the stEVMOS rewards were distributed amongst the 7 incentivized pools. The goal of these changes is to align the pools reward allocation to support how trading volume is distributed amongst them! View the detailed spreadsheet here.

How to participate in the Forge Inferno Incentives:

Step 1: View the incentivized pools in the Revert Finance incentives page, then add liquidity in the Forge App or using the Revert initiator. *Make sure you select the correct fee tier!

Step 2: Once you have created a position within a pool eligible for rewards, you now need to stake your position with the incentives contract to being accruing rewards. The first step is to navigate to your account dashboard in the Revert app.

Click your Evmos address in the top right corner to see your account dashboard
Reminder: staked positions need to vest for 3 days!

Within your account dashboard you will see all of your open positions and now you can stake the positions eligible for Inferno incentives! Under the position you would like to stake, press the yellow “Rewards” button to expand the menu then select the “Stake” action to stake that position within the rewards contract to start accruing rewards!

Note: Your account dashboard also has detailed real-time analytics about how your position is performing. As well as a handful of handy tools for managing your un-staked positions!

🔥 Read more about Forge and the Inferno Incentives Program:

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