Revolutionizing MMOs, and Why Evmos is the Game-Changer

Cozmo EvmosDao
Published in
13 min readApr 27, 2024


Why Developers Should Choose Evmos


Unleash the transformative potential of blockchain in the MMO gaming industry. Discover how you, as a developer, can forge a lasting legacy by embracing the innovative power of Evmos.

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Module # 1

Bridging Classic Gaming with Blockchain Innovation


This section introduces the concept of combining two experiential aspects of gaming

the adventure of exploring new worlds and the creativity inherent in building within those worlds.

By leveraging blockchain technology, this game concept transcends traditional gaming boundaries, offering a new dimension where players are not just participants but also creators and proprietors.

Thrill of Adventure

Adventure games have always captivated players with their rich narratives, quests, and explorations.

This game enhances these elements with blockchain capabilities, such as smart contracts that can govern quests or events based on decentralized scenarios. This makes each player’s journey unique and dynamically responsive to their decisions.

The Creativity of Sandbox-Style Building

Sandbox games empower players to shape their environment, building structures or entire worlds from scratch. Integrating blockchain allows these creations to be recorded on a decentralized ledger, ensuring that the player permanently owns every block placed or item created, free from the risk of server resets or game discontinuations.

Powered by Blockchain

The blockchain is the backbone of this integration, providing a trustless environment where transactions (trade of goods or cooperative building efforts) are secure and immutable. It ensures that the game’s economy is transparent and fair, where value is recognized and possibly even traded outside the game.

Revolutionizing Ownership and Crafting

This subsection delves into how blockchain technology redefines ownership and crafting within the game. It provides players with tangible ownership of their in-game assets, which enhances their engagement and the intrinsic value of their in-game activities.

True Ownership

In traditional games, the items and assets players earn or create are ultimately controlled by the game’s servers and can be modified, deleted, or repossessed by the developers.

Blockchain technology changes this paradigm by using NFTs (non-fungible tokens) to represent each item. This ensures that players have absolute ownership, which is recognized both in-game and potentially in the real world.

Crafting with Real-World Value

With blockchain, every item crafted in the game can be an NFT, which might hold value. This would lead to new economic dynamics where players can sell their crafted items on external marketplaces, earning real money or cryptocurrency.

For instance, a uniquely designed weapon or clothing ornament could be sold on a central world exchange or traded peer-to-peer within the game.


Enhanced Engagement and Motivation

Knowing that their in-game assets could have real-world value changes how players interact with the game. It elevates their crafting and gathering activities from pastimes to potentially profitable ventures.

Increasing engagement adds a layer of strategy as players consider the potential real-world value of their in-game decisions.

Immutable Record of Achievements

Blockchain also allows for the immutable recording of player achievements, such as the first kill of a boss, the completion of a complex quest, or the construction of monumental structures.

Preventing any dispute over in-game “firsts” enhances the sense of accomplishment by providing a permanent, verifiable record.

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Module #2

Why Evmos is the Optimal Choice for Blockchain Developers

Avoiding “Quick-Sand” Ideas

This subsection addresses the strategic advantage of using Evmos over more saturated platforms like Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain, which can often trap developers in highly competitive and congested environments.

Fresh Arena

Evmos provides a newer and less crowded platform, so there’s less competition for attention and resources.

For developers, this translates to greater visibility for their projects and a higher chance of making a significant impact within the ecosystem.

Celebration of Creativity

With fewer projects crowding the landscape, developers’ innovations and creative efforts are more likely to stand out.

This not only encourages creative freedom but also means that novel ideas are more readily recognized and rewarded by the community, fostering a supportive environment for development.

Key Advantages of Evmos

Here, the benefits of Evmos are detailed, emphasizing the practical and strategic benefits that make it an attractive choice for developers.

Lower Transaction Fees and Smooth Game-play

Evmos provides a cost-effective solution for game transactions, which is crucial for maintaining an engaging player experience in blockchain-based games. Lower fees ensure that players can perform frequent transactions, such as trading and crafting, without prohibitive costs.

Additionally, Evmos efficient processing capabilities facilitate smooth game play, ensuring that the game mechanics operate seamlessly, which is vital for player retention and satisfaction.

Compatibility and Scalability

Evmos was built to be compatible with Ethereum and the Cosmos ecosystem, allowing developers to leverage the extensive tools, DApps, and infrastructure already available in the Ethereum ecosystem.

This compatibility means developers can easily port existing tools or assets from Ethereum without starting from scratch. Moreover, Evmos’ connection to the Cosmos network via the IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) protocol enhances its scalability, enabling the handling of larger volumes of transactions without the bottlenecks often experienced on Ethereum.

This scalability is crucial for games that can experience sudden spikes in player activity.

Access to Ethereum’s Ecosystem Without the Congestion

Using Evmos, developers can tap into Ethereum’s robust and mature ecosystem, including its assets and liquidity pools, while avoiding the issues of high gas fees and network congestion.

This advantage means developers can offer their players the benefits of a rich blockchain environment with fewer drawbacks, making attracting and retaining a gaming community easier.

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Module #3

Implementing Evmos in Your Game Development

Economical Player Interactions

This subsection explores how integrating Evmos tokens into the game’s economy facilitates economical and efficient player interactions, enhancing the overall game play experience.

Fueling the Game’s Economy

By using Evmos tokens as the primary medium for transaction fees, or “gas,” within the game, developers can keep the costs associated with in-game transactions low.

Encouraging a higher volume of transactions, such as trading items, crafting, and other player-to-player interactions, is essential for a vibrant in-game economy.

Swift and Friction less Marketplace

Evmos’ high throughput and low latency make it ideal for supporting a game’s marketplace, where players can trade assets without delays or excessive fees.

It’s seamless nature is meaningful for maintaining immersion and satisfaction among players, making the game’s market as real-time and responsive as possible.

Enhanced Transaction Security and Transparency

Leveraging blockchain technology, every transaction in the game is monitored and transparently recorded on the blockchain.

It helps prevent fraud and builds trust within the community, as players can verify transactions independently using existing scanning tools.

Rewards and Sustainability

This subsection discusses how the game can use Evmos to develop an economic model that entertains and provides real-world value, making the game a meaningful part of the players’ digital lives.

Rewarding Game-play

Integrate reward mechanisms that use Evmos or specific tokens to compensate players for in-game achievements, event participation, or contributions to the game community.

It could include mechanisms like staking, where players can earn yields on their tokens by participating in the game or supporting its network.

Sustainable Economic Model

Design the game’s economy with sustainability in mind, ensuring it can maintain its value and appeal over time.

It involves balancing introducing new items and assets with the consumption and removal of resources, using economic principles that prevent inflation and encourage healthy trading practices.

Real-World Value

Encourage the notion that players’ time and effort in the game can translate into tangible rewards.

The game blurs the lines between virtual economies and real-world financial systems by allowing players to trade their assets on external NFT marketplaces or convert Evmos or specific tokens into other cryptocurrencies or fiat money within the Cosmos.

Community-Driven Development

Implement governance features that let players use their Evmos or specific tokens to vote on new features, content, or changes within the game.

This not only gives players a stake in the game’s future but also aligns their interests with its long-term success.

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Module #4

Enhancing Game Dynamics with Blockchain

Empowering Players

Let’s explore how blockchain technology can transform players into genuine Token-holders in the game’s ecosystem, significantly enhancing their engagement and long-term values.

True Stakeholders

Players become more than just users by integrating the game on the blockchain.

They become Game-Vestors and Co-Creators in the game’s economy. This is achieved through mechanisms that allow players to own assets, earn from their activities, and influence the game’s direction through decentralized governance systems.

Earning and Trading

Utilize Evmos to facilitate a game economy where players can earn in-game currency or assets through their game play, which they can trade within or outside the game environment.

It could involve direct trading systems or more complex marketplaces where players can sell their crafted items or exchanged goods.

Investment Opportunities

Introduce features allowing players to invest their earnings back into the game, such as purchasing land or special items that can be appreciated or investing in other players’ ventures.

These opportunities make the game a platform for entertainment and a venue for meaningful financial engagement.

Simple, Secure, Transparent

This subsection explains how blockchain technology’s inherent properties contribute to creating a fair, secure, and user-friendly game environment.

Simplicity in Complexity

While the back-end technology is complex, Someone can make the interface simple and intuitive. The goal is to hide the complexities of blockchain technology behind a user-friendly interface that allows players to enjoy the game without needing to understand the underlying mechanisms.

Enhanced Security

The decentralized nature of blockchain significantly reduces the risks of hacking and fraud. By distributing data across multiple nodes, blockchain ensures that the game and its assets are not vulnerable to single points of failure.

Transparent and Fairness as a Priority Operations

Every game action involving asset transfer or alteration is recorded on the blockchain, providing a transparent ledger that all players can access. This transparency ensures that the game’s developers and players are accountable to each other, fostering a community of trust.

For example, if a player was malicious before, that will reflect on the blockchain!

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Module #5

Arbitrary engagement

Economic and Cultural Evolution

The game serves as a dynamic platform for both economic experimentation and cultural evolution, teaching players valuable financial skills and encouraging a culture of creativity and collaboration.

Integrating PvP and PvM for Economic Dynamics

player-vs-player and player-vs-monster modes are core elements players can seamlessly opt into or out of.

These modes excite traditional gaming and tie into the game’s economic system.

For example,

PvP dangerous areas or specific mini-game tournaments can use

Pvp Open Areas: Lost Items by death (killer earns the valuables)

Mini-game: entry fees, prize payouts (Winner earns instance items or staked items)

The game’s cryptocurrency influences its economy by redistributing wealth among players based on their skills and strategies.

Economic Incentives in PvM

PvM encounters can be designed to teach risk management and item choice to complete the task effectively.

The PVMer can use the Monsters’ resources or rare items to craft specific things or sell them on the world exchange. In some cases, peer-to-peer trading or lending is an option. Any transaction is validated on-chain or the particular platform (developers build choice)

It encourages players to engage with the game’s economic system, assessing risk and reward as they decide whether to tackle challenging monsters.

Volatility and Speculation

PvP and PvM can introduce economic volatility and speculation elements into the game. Players might speculate on the outcomes of PvP battles or the rarity of drops from monsters, using in-game information and resources to make Risky decisions.

A New Gaming Culture

This subsection delves into how the game fosters a new gaming culture that values more than just competitive success, emphasizing building, trading, and creating within a community-driven environment.

Seamless Opt-In/Opt-Out Mechanisms

Ensure that players can easily choose to engage in or withdraw from PvP and PvM activities. This flexibility supports a culture where players control their level of engagement based on their personal interests and time commitment rather than feeling pressured to participate constantly.

Rewarding Creativity and Collaboration

PvP and PvM players are rewarded for combat prowess, innovative tactics, and teamwork.

For instance, players could form guilds or alliances that strategize together to dominate in PvP leagues or collaborate to defeat powerful monsters in PvM scenarios.

Integration with the Clan Economy

Link the outcomes of PvP and PvM engagements directly to the game’s community and economic aspects.

Victories in these areas could lead to territorial gains, resource control, or special status within the game’s social hierarchy, emphasizing the importance of both competition and cooperation.

PvP landscape Concept

Vast, Open Landscape

Terrain and Environment

The vast, expansive area on the game world’s edge features diverse terrains ranging from dense forests and arid deserts to treacherous mountains.

The environment can play a role in combat, with specific areas offering advantages or disadvantages based on their geographical features.

Dynamic Weather System

Incorporate a real-time weather system that affects game play. For example, heavy rain can slow movement, fog can decrease visibility, and strong winds can influence projectile trajectories.

Entry and Exit Points

Controlled Access

Players can enter the Wilderness through specific points in the game world, such as guarded gates or hidden paths. Exiting the dangerous landscape, especially with valuable loot, requires reaching designated safe points and strategically challenging escapes.

Risk Notification

Upon attempting to enter, players receive a notification of the risks, including the possibility of losing items upon defeat. It ensures that players are making an informed decision to participate.

PvP Engagement Rules

Level-Based Engagement Zones

Different areas of the Wilderness are designated for varying levels of player experience, ensuring fair play and competitive matches. Higher-level zones contain more significant risks but also richer rewards.

Combat Mechanics

Introduce unique combat mechanics for landscape engagements, such as ambush setups and traps, and use environmental elements for strategic advantages.

Team vs Team Encounters

Facilitate team engagements through features that allow players to form or join teams within the Landscape wilderness, encouraging group strategies and large-scale battles.

Economic Impact and Rewards

Loot and Resource Gathering

Defeated players drop some of their carried items, which the victor can loot. Specific rare resources are found only in the Wilderness, making it a high-risk, high-reward area for resource gathering.

Bounties and Contracts

Implement a system where players can take on bounties or contracts to hunt specific players or protect others, adding layers of objectives and rewards within the Wilderness.

Safe Zones and Player Interaction

Interaction Hubs (Safe Zones)

There are specific areas where players can trade, form alliances, or plan strategies without the threat of combat. These hubs act as social spaces, fostering community interaction within the high-risk environment.

Event-Driven Challenges

Environmental Challenges

Introduce environmental hazards or monsters that temporarily require players or teams to cooperate, adding complexity to the usual PvP engagements.

Integration with Blockchain

Asset and Reward Management

The Blockchains item mechanism will manage the assets players carry into and out of the dangerous landscape, ensuring transparent item ownership and loss tracking.

Smart Contracts for Bounties and Contracts

Implement smart contracts to manage the logistics and rewards of bounties and player contracts, ensuring fairness and adherence to game rules without manual oversight.

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Closing Thoughts #6

Embrace the Challenge, Seize the Opportunity

Your Journey with Blockchain

While integrating blockchain might seem daunting, Evmos makes it approachable and exciting. We provide the tools and support to ensure your journey is not only successful but also enjoyable.

Legacy Creation

This isn’t just about developing games; it’s about pioneering a movement. With Evmos, you have the chance to lead a gaming revolution.


This is your moment to shine in the gaming industry. With Evmos, you’re not just building games; you’re creating worlds that offer value and transforming how games are played and perceived.

Call to Action

Join the Evmos community today.

Start creating, innovating, and inspiring. Let’s build this new world together!

