Life full of ‘despite’.

Ryandi Pratama
Published in
1 min readOct 11, 2023

Some just got laid off, others seeking for jobs for the first time, and there are also some who plans on switching their career. Then few, wants to build their own venture. So then which one is the best way to earn a living?


You are asking a wrong question.

What is the right question, you ask?


Frustrated yet?

C’est la vie.

There will be never enough right or wrong answers. If life is that easy, how can you hope there will be bookstore selling books telling you this and that? There won’t be universities. Not even religion can exist. All tools human use to find, meaning.

Life is then an art of loving problems without ever have the complete understanding of what the real solution is. Hey! That’s why there are tools like metrics and all that jazz. The end justifies the means.

And that’s okay.

All things are subjective of anybody’s perception, on any given time and place. Everything is constantly changing. Even what you think is wrong, can be right, vice versa.

So what should I do now, you ask?

Short answer? It depends.

Long answer? Just effin try. Whatever you set out to do.

Learn. Ask. Discuss. Practice. Give. Give. Give. Give more.

The lesson is in the journey of figuring things out.

The reward is in the act of giving.

And that could might as well be, wrong.


May you have a life full of despite, not because.

To be happy, despite.

To love, despite.

To be loved, you’re right.




Ryandi Pratama

I write to explore my thoughts and dreams. Sometimes it is a fantasy story, poetry, movie idea, lyric, or a rant. Well, definitely a rant.