Making ESG Actionable: ForgePoint’s ESG Handbook

Rohit Gupta
Forgepoint Capital
Published in
1 min readAug 16, 2021

At ForgePoint, we believe that advancing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) at a fund and portfolio level is the right thing to do.

ESG is a hot topic in every institution, including private equity and venture capital, but what should startups do about it?

This was the impetus for ForgePoint to create our ESG Handbook to guide portfolio companies on ESG activities by stage, recommend tools and platforms to achieve their goals, and share educational resources for further learning.

The handbook is the culmination of months of research drawing on insights from our ESG initiatives, activities ForgePoint’s portfolio companies are already undertaking, and guidance from venture firms, the Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA), and others.

We hope it helps your company or your portfolio companies make ESG more actionable. If you have any questions, comments, or would like to discuss further, reach out to Rohit at

