Enjin Blockchain Fallen Tablets Event!

3 Fallen Tablets to activate, each granting access to a secret treasure room! Find out who has the tablets and work together to discover some amazing treasure!


The engraved symbols appear cryptic as to the tablet’s purpose, however these mysterious and valuable artifacts are warm to the touch.

Legends have long referred to 3 Fallen Tablets. Each with equal power to each other and granting the holder access to a secret treasure room.

It is understood that to discover this treasure room one needs to first activate the tablet on an altar.

Once activated, the tablet must be passed to another adventurer who must also activate the tablet.

The adventurer who activated before another is then granted an Aura which gives the holder the ability to see the treasure room.

What lies within can only be imagined!

Rage Tablet, Elation Tablet and Calm Tablet

The Lost Relics Fallen Tablets Event is now live!

The 3 Tablets are Enjin Blockchain items and without one you cannot unlock the treasure room hidden within the dungeons of Lost Relics!

To participate, be sure to join the Telegram and Discord channels to find out who has the Tablets and work together to determine who will take them next.

This event requires you to collaborate and share the Tablets with others. If you don’t share, you can’t gain access to the treasure room!

You can only unlock each Tablet once, but there are a total of 3 Tablets to take advantage of, allowing you to secure some amazing treasures!

The Treasure rooms contain loot ranging from Epic to Transcendent. You’re guaranteed to get at least an Epic item. If you manage to activate all 3 Tablets that’s at least 3 new Epic items!

A glimpse of the Treasure Room

How do I join?

If you already have an account then great, you have access! If you don’t have one yet then unfortunately you are unable to participate in this event (as it can be exploited).

Download the latest patch and you’re good to go!

You will need at least 1 Adventure Stone to take your Treasure out of the Dungeon.

Adventure Stones are available on the Store page at https://lostrelics.io/shop or you can earn them within the game by playing Explore mode.

All purchases in the shop help to invest in the future development of Lost Relics and the ongoing success of the game into the future!

Full Details

Each of the 3 Tablets are Enjin Blockchain items with only 1 Total Supply each.

3 Community members in Telegram and Discord will be chosen by fate to start the event.

There is no time limit for the event. The event will start within the next 24 hours.

Once you have received a Tablet know that it is extremely rare and special. There are only 3 in existence.

With the Tablet in your inventory, head into the dungeons and locate an Altar.

Activate the Tablet on the Altar.

You and others can confirm it was successful by visiting the event page at https://forgottenartifacts.io/events/fallen-tablets where the most recent activation of each Tablet is displayed.

Keep an eye out for the Altar

Once you have activated the Tablet, you must send the Tablet to someone else who hasn’t yet activated the same Tablet and instruct them to Activate it in the same way you have done.

You will need a small amount of ETH/ENJ to pay the gas/transfer fee to send the item to someone else so make sure you can do this before you take ownership of a Tablet!

Once the person you’ve sent to has activated the Tablet, you will receive an Aura in your inventory. Take this Aura into the dungeons (Adventure Mode Only) and search for the treasure room!

Like always, you must make it out of the dungeon alive to keep your loot!

