One Year of Lost Relics (previously Forgotten Artifacts)

It’s been one year since the first playable version of Lost Relics (Forgotten Artifacts)!


One year ago, Lost Relics stormed onto the Enjin platform and unleashed the very first playable game to drop Enjin Blockchain items for all to collect!

One year on and there’s now a town to explore, new game modes to conquer and hundreds of blockchain items to discover.

As a one man team, I’ve been busy setting up all the tech to power the game world as well as bringing the game world itself to life!

Lost Relics has expanded considerably since my original vision, propelled by the feedback I’ve received from everyone who’s been adventuring throughout Talmuth while searching for Artifacts.

Some of the features you see today were never part of my plan but have come together to create the world that you will experience over the coming months!

This is a rare photo caught just before I leapt from the pilot seat onto the wing and started work on the secondary weapon swap system

It’s been a fun challenge making huge changes to the game with it still up and running. I initially planned to turn off the servers and continue development after the close of the Stampede event, but I was begged to keep them running so everyone could keep playing.

So I started performing Live Ops and proceeded to completely change the fighter jet while we were all hurtling through the air! With minimal downtime, almost 60k Adventures have been completed and over 150k Chests have been opened! (Since I started tracking these stats)

With each patch I have been guiding the game towards a release which every person can jump in and enjoy.

I’ve hosted 7 official events, 1 of which a Transcendent Worldslayer was pulled from the stone!

Some have claimed it reminds them of Diablo while others feel it is closer to Torchlight. With a dusting of Dark Souls difficulty, I’m thrilled with the comparisons as I’ve created Lost Relics with those and more games as my inspiration.

I was initially focused purely on blockchain and the early monetisation models were created to support this endeavor. They’ve had to evolve over time and will evolve again before release.

Some of the early items have been fully discovered, never to be found within the dungeons again since they’re all limited in their supply!

Now that the game is more developed, I will be soon opening it up to more players by changing the monetisation model a final time. More information will be published about this soon.

A behind the scenes look at the town of Talmuth

I’ve built out almost all of the base systems and soon you will see more unique content, which will bring much needed variety to the core game you’ve been playing so far!

Soon you’ll be battling ghouls in graveyards, trekking across plentiful plains, slashing through dense forests, stumbling through dimly lit caves, sheltering from sandstorms in deserts and discovering lost items buried on snowy mountain tops!

Is that a Transcendent buried in that hill? No, further to the left. No your other left…

The road ahead

I like to surprise, delight, and give a sense of adventure as you discover what secrets I’ve released in a patch beyond what I’ve mentioned in the patch notes.

Sometimes I like to keep the future a secret and to not reveal everything, leaving you to discover it for youself.

If you’ve been playing and have spent any time in the Lost Relics Telegram channel you’ll defintely know this!

I generally don’t like to publish a full roadmap as a solo developer, as it can be difficult to keep to specific deadlines. Sometimes things come up that are time sensitive and I need to be able to react to quickly.

However I’m super excited about the future and I want you to have a glimpse of what’s ahead!

The following are rapidly approaching over the next couple of months:

  • New Adventures
  • New Environments
  • New Marketplace
  • New Monsters
  • New Items
  • New Weapons
  • New Quests
  • New Effects
  • New Skills
  • Final Monetisation Model
  • Goals, Progression and Rewards
  • Multiplayer

I’ve been working hard to bring you continued updates, improvements, events, and collaborations, and I’d love your feedback!

Join the discussion and follow along on my Enjin-powered journey:

In the meantime, see you in Talmuth.

