Published in
3 min readSep 17, 2018


The recovery journey can be challenging. It can be uncertain. But hope transforms this uncertainty into the excitement of possibility. Hope made our founder’s recovery journey possible. We share this recovery journey video to spread hope to other people affected by mental illness. This is the power of sharing lived experience, which inspired us to create ForLikeMinds.

ForLikeMinds is the first online peer support community dedicated to mental illness. Peer-based support is an evidence-based approach to recovery. Recovery from mental illness is inconceivable for many, as it was for us, until we see examples of recovery. These examples of others in similar circumstances finding the courage, strength, and support to recover can be the greatest source of inspiration and guidance. This is what ForLikeMinds is all about. It is a place to give and receive hope and insights. The recovery journey starts with hope and is nourished by the support of like minds sharing their lived experience. Please join us at ForLikeMinds.

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RecoveryBoosters is the first gift shop dedicated to mental illness. A thoughtful gift or sentiment can reach a loved one even when spoken words cannot. It can benefit the recipient and the giver. In the depths of isolation, small gestures of caring can have profound impact. They comfort those struggling and make them feel loved. Our shop also seeks to increase awareness of mental illness and recovery strategies. Please share mental illness empowerment messages from the shop on social media. Recovery is real.

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We need your help! We need your help to make ForLikeMinds a success. We would love to collaborate with partners, big and small, that share and want to promote our mental health recovery and wellness mission. These include people with mental illness, their supporters, clinicians, community groups and organizations, non-profits, students, veterans, the LGBTQ+ community, academia, government, media, and companies. We will consider any opportunity that supports and advances the needs of people affected by mental illness, especially our recovery and wellness mission. Together we’re stronger and better. Please collaborate with us.

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We Are Like Minds.

We are LikeMinds.




We are dedicated to the recovery of people living with mental illness and their families.