forLoopGhana Recap : Building the “right” way

Ore Ogundipe
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2018

In case you missed it, yesterday was our forLoop Ghana event themed “Building the Right way”. The event was scheduled to start at 12 pm, but due to the rain, we had to move the start time to allow those who got caught up to join us.

Welcome Address

To set the ball rolling, we had a welcome address to get the audience warmed up and acquainted with what #forLoop is all about.


For the first talk of the day, we had Joseph-Albert Kuuire — Designer at Flutterwave. Give a talk on “Usability Heuristics” and things to consider when designing products for your users to give them an awesome and fluid experience.

Joseph-Albert Kuuire ‘s talk on “Usability Heuristics”

Afterward, Abigail Edwin — Developer at Developers in Vogue gave a talk titled “Good Developer? Build things”. In her talk, she spoke about how she got into Software Development and shared some great insights with the audience on how to grow as a developer by building applications on the side that help hone your skills.

Abigail Edwin in her talk titled “Good developer? Build things”

Next up, we had Andrew Smith aka Ace Black — Community Builder DevCongress and Slim PHP Contributor give his talk on “Designing Better Interfaces”. In his talk, he spoke about thing to consider when building applications and how to build extendable applications and building libraries that are easy to implement!

Andrew Smith ‘s talk on “Designing Better Interfaces”

After his talk, we went on a short break for the audience to network and share ideas with each other.

more than enough pizza to go round 😃

When we came back from the break, there was an application showcase by Abigail Edwin and Flossy. They showed us how they built a “Cataract Detector” using Clarifai’s API and Flutter.

Demo of the “Cataract Detector App”

Our final talk of the day was titled “Are microservices right for your next project/organization?” by Oliver Mensah — Co-Lead Facebook Developer Circles, Accra. In his talk, he took the audience through an introduction to what microservices were and how they come in handy when building applications that need to scale.

Oliver Mensah’s talk on “Are microservices right for your next project/organization”

Take Aways

Scenes of our wonderful audience during the event

All in all, we had a wonderful time at the event and learnt invaluable insights from the speakers on different topic areas and how we can apply them to applications that we build on a day-to-day basis.

Big thanks to our wonderful sponsors Cloudinary, Flutterwave and Africas Talking. To stay in the loop, you can follow @forloopGhana and @forloopAfrica on twitter.

If you’re interested in hosting a #forloop event in your city or university, be sure to send an email to See you at our next event! 🇬🇭👩🏾‍💻👨🏾‍💻

See you at our next event! 🇬🇭

