How Forloopph motivated me

Precious Luke
Published in
3 min readAug 23, 2018

Forloopph 2.0 was actually my first tech meetup. And it really reminded me the reason why I have always been lured into programming in the first place and I cannot go on without saying a thing or two about my programming journey — how I actually started.

Anyone who eventually reads this can simply refer to it as an encomium. I have been coding since 2015 when I first got my laptop. Before then I was just a techie. My first nights of coding and trying to get my hands dirty in HTML and CSS, there was this feeling (some sort of electrical feeling) that made me without a shadow of doubt believed that programming was the right thing to do. I felt like It was what I was really born to do. The passion outweighed me I guess.

Then I was in 200L(I am actually about to bag my first Degree in English Language).

Yea, back to my coding journey, The internet has always been a great resource for me to learn a lot from; YouTube videos have helped, Homeandlearn was my library then.
Somehow along the line, the CEO syndrome took over. (na only HTML and CSS I know then oo) I started a tech blog and stopped coding for about 6 months. I kind of showed off myself. Non techies believed that I coded the blog myself. I was using Blogger blog… Then I heard about WordPress. I moved the blogger’s blog to WordPress. And boom! I wanted more. I really wanted more. “Wordpress is a Content Management System that is built in PHP” one Stefan Mischook said on YouTube. “PHP is here to stay” he added. My PHP journey began. So… Php is actually my first programming language(no, it’s Javascript technically)

Wait first… I haven’t even mentioned that Programming is not simple. I have been frustrated countless times. Does anyone know what it really feels like after bursting your ass all night and in the end of it, you achieve nothing? Or have I been the one that has not been doing something right? Or is it that I have not been doing programming the right way?

Well, there is always a benefit of doing something over and over and over again. Somehow, I got to understand that the code you write is not more important than the problem it is trying solve….

Reinvigorated me after forloopph 2.0 event

At the event, speakers’ stories really stirred me up, especially when Precious Chukundah was talking about volunteering; when Wisdom Arerosuoghene talked about open sourcing and how it can make you world class…; when Bruce talked about career path, and so much more.

I now am fully aware of the reason I went into programming in the first place. It is not for the adulation that I will get from the society. I just want to solve problems with programming.

I am so reinvigorated that I really want to help the society with programming. I just am really back on track. I now feel the fire that I felt when I started learning coding.

