Kenneth Aladi
Published in
4 min readAug 21, 2018
forloop PH advert

A community that stay together learns together, That will be a fair summary of the forloopPH 2.0

Before i start i must say this, one of the main reasons why i attended the forloop 2.0 was because i was working on a JavaScript game and i was feeling discouraged because of the bugs in my code so i needed a community i can listen to and get the motivation to continue and that i got in the forloop PH 2.0, i guess you will like to know how i got the motivation right? follow me as i take you down the journey of what transpired.

It was an awesome day on the 18th of August 2018 at the TechCreek ICT center, it started at about 9am and it had a full hall with different people.

@okoyeTiku speaking on Web Optimizing

The first presentation was from @OkoyeTiku who talked on Tips on Optimizing Web Apps. She took time to emphasis on “SPEED” of the web and the importance of creating a web site that loads fast so as to enable quality user experience. She also showed the ways one can make the pages to load more faster and why the developer should care about optimizing his/her web pages.

The next speaker by name Obinna Odirionye took time to talk about “Webpack — The Destroyer of Performance Bottlenecks”. He talked about the power of webpack and how it helps in reducing the amount of storage space our site occupies.

presentation from @_nerdeveloper) on Webpack

Then came a presentation by Nsikak Thompson on Building Modern Android Apps. He talked about Super Tools and made more emphasis on Architectural Design Pattern, he was really a motivation especially to those in the android family (i meant Android developers).

After which a presentation on Backend 101 by Lawrence Agbani (@raznerdeveloper) who is one of the Team Lead @konga (one of the biggest online market in Nigeria and Africa at large).

We took note, never to forget!!!

Many others like Bruce Lucas (@brucealgorithm) took us on Career Paths in Tech, Volunteer. Learn. Grow by Precious Chukundah (@pachukundah), Virtual Reality Applications by Damilola Kawojue (@DamilolaKawojue), Open Source — Another Perspective by Wisdom Arerosuoghene (@itswisdomagain)

The high point of the events was the Lunch break with provision of food (forloop jellof, you can’t really miss this…… It’s like it was programmatically prepared to be sweet) and drinks. Then there was the Virtual Reality game.

It was all fun! fun!! fun!!!. The question and answer section provided the opportunity to clear confusions any participant has base on the Tech industry, and the awesome speakers did justice to the questions.

Such a program couldn’t have ended without the sharing of swags to all and t-shirt for those who won in the twitter challenge. It was really an epic event and i want to use this medium to thank all those that organized this event. I hope to one day be among the organizing team. Thanks @forloopPH, @techCreek, @techPh, and everyone working tirelessly for the communities in Port harcourt, Nigeria, Africa and the world at large.

Here are some of the pictures at the Event. Isn’t it a wonderful one? I bet you will see my point now.

Nsikak Thompson talking on Building Modern Android Apps
Backend 101 by Lawrence Agbani (@raznerdeveloper), Bruce Lucas (@brucealgorithm) took us on Career Paths in Tech and Participants enjoying the presentation
Participants taking in quality information from the Presenters
You can see the Fun of the day here, THE VR GAME, THE FORLOOP JELLOF AND THE NETWORKING.
Volunteer. Learn. Grow by Precious Chukundah (@pachukundah), Virtual Reality Applications by Damilola Kawojue (@DamilolaKawojue) and Open Source — Another Perspective by Wisdom Arerosuoghene (@itswisdomagain)



Kenneth Aladi

I have a strong enthusiasm for working and collaborating with others, Strong desire to learn and am also open to suggestions, advice and guidance.